(Alternative Ending) Chapter Twenty Five - Well...

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Bulma and I returned back to Earth. We were welcomed back and asked about how the trip was. Bulma told everyone about it while I was taking things back inside capsule corp. "I need to collect the dragon balls again" I thought as I sat a box down. I then turned around to walk back outside when I passed Whis. He didn't say anything to me but instead looked at his staff.

"Oh my, it seems someone has restored Future Trunks's timeline" he thought as he looked at me. "I wonder why she would do such a thing."

Back outside, I made sure to grab the dragon radar. I was going to need it again to collect the dragon balls and finish making my last two wishes. Bulma didn't question it when she saw me pocketed it. She was just concern about me since I was still acting strange to her. It got slightly worse whenever I made that wish on the super dragon balls.

"Hey (Y/n), are you staying for dinner?" Bulma asked and I shook my head no. "But I think you should stay."

I let out a sigh. "Sure."

Later that evening, Bulma threw a huge feast for our return from the other universes. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves while I sat there and ate in silence. "Did the wish actually go through?" I thought as I poked at something on my plate. "Am I really going to go through with this?" I continued to think.

"Hello? Earth to (Y/n)." Beerus waved his hand in front of my face. "Answer me when I'm speaking to you!" His voice startled me and I gave him a look. "Geez, you look like you did something bad or something."

"I do? I thought I looked like how I normally look like?"

"No, I can tell something is off the moment you and Bulma returned." He glared down at me. "Did you wish for something that you should not have on the super dragon balls?"

"No. I just a made a selfish wish, that's all" I told him.

"Hmm, I see" he turned to walk away from me. "If I find out you did something you shouldn't have, you will be punished for it." I didn't heed his warning because I knew he couldn't do anything to me if I was no longer in the same timeline as him.

"Can't punish someone who won't even be here any longer" I mumbled. Piccolo was nearby and picked up on what I said. He was going to inform the others later about what he heard from me and Beerus.


A few days had passed and Bulma wouldn't let me out of her sight. Every since she heard from Piccolo about what happened at the dinner party the other night, she's been worried sick. "Come on, let's do some shopping" Bulma suggested.

"I'm not really in the mood right now, Bulma" I took a sip of water from the glass I was holding.

"You never seem to be in the mood for anything nowadays."

"Maybe I'm just maturing."

"Or maybe it has something to do with Zamasu." I glared at her. "Just admit it already, (Y/n)! You still miss the guy!"

"How the hell could I miss someone who kidnapped me for crying out loud!"

"That's what you keep saying but deep down you know you do!"

I sat the glass down on the counter and walked out of the room. Bulma tried to get me to come back but I ignored her, leaving capsule corp. "Does she really think I miss that guy?" I thought as I flew around, looking down at the dragon radar. I suddenly stopped flying and just floated in the sky. "She might be right" I started. "Why else would I make such a wish like that?" I asked myself. "Why am I trying to collect the dragon balls to make even more wishes related to Zamasu?"

I floated in the sky for a long time, just thinking to myself. I kept telling myself that I didn't miss Zamasu, but a small part of me actually did. I then proceeded to tell myself that I was crazy. "Would a sane person bring back the guy who wanted to eradicate mortals?" I asked myself. "No, no they would not, (Y/n)." I let out a sigh and continued my search for the dragon balls.

Finding the dragon balls took me about two days. During those two days, I thought about what other wishes I was going to wish for and how was I going to explain myself to the others if they questioned me about said wishes. "Maybe they won't questioned me." I let out a sigh as I arranged the dragon balls on the ground. "Yeah, right. The minute Shenron shows up in the sky, I bet someone would make their way other here."

I stared at the dragon balls and began to summon Shenron. The sky grew dark and Shenron emerged from the dragon balls, asking me what my other two wishes were. "I wish to have a time machine in the form of a ring that has simple controls, so I can travel to any point in time!"

Shenron's eyes flashed and I felt something appear on my left hand's index finger. "Your second wish has been granted. Now, state your third and final wish."

"I wish for..."

Wait, what was my final wish? I never put much thought into the third wish to began with. Well, I did think about the idea of immortality but I don't know if I really like the idea of living for a long time. "Maybe I should wish to age slowly" I thought out loud. Shenron heard my wish and got ready to grant it.

"(Y/n)!" Right behind me, Bulma had appeared. She had ask Goku to instant transmission her to where I was.

"Bulma?" I turned to look at her. I could see that she brought Goku and Vegeta with her as well. I also noticed that Whis and Beerus had just arrived arounf the same time they did.

"Your final wish has been granted! Farewell!" Shenron disappeared and the sky went back to normal.

"Final wish was granted? What was the wish?" Goku asked me.

"He must have heard me somewhat wish to age slowly" I thought.

"(Y/n)" Beerus walked over to me. "What is that on you hand?"

I looked down and noticed the ring. "It's a ring."

"I know that" he said. "Why does it look like a time ring?"

I brought the ring closer to my face, so I could inspect it. I started to twist the bezels on it. "I don't know, I just asked for a ring" I lied. I moved what looked to be a year slot.

"You're lying." Beerus got closer to me and I backed away from him. I didn't trust him and knew he was going to do something to me. "Give me the ring, (Y/n)." He held his hand out to me. I shook my head no and proceeded to fiddle with the ring now. I didn't know how the thing worked and hoped that if I messed with it enough, it would start to work. "That's an order, (Y/n)!"

I managed to get the thing to work when I saw a white flash of light appear. I could hear Bulma yell my name one second and then hear nothing but eerie silence the next. "D...did it work?" I asked as I opened my eyes and looked around. The former blue sky was replaced by a dark green murky sky. "It looks like it, but I don't know." I slowly walked towards who knows where, trying to figure out if my wishes actually came true or not.

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