Chapter Fourteen - Is it Love?

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"Damn that Zamasu" I cursed as I wiped off my lips. After avoiding him trying to kiss me while my guard was down for the past week, he finally got me. It literally just happened a minute or two ago when he was serving me tea. I was just looking at an old newspaper article when I felt someone take it from my hands. I looked up to see Zamasu. He had one hand behind his back while the one that took the newspaper from me came in contact with my chin. Before I could react in time, he placed a kiss on my lips. "Bastard" I thought as I flew in the sky.

The kiss wasn't half bad compared to Black's. They both sucked regardless since they think they can kiss me and get away with it. "I don't like how things are turning out." I kept flying. I didn't have a particular destination in mind (not like there's many places to go in the first place), I just needed to get out of that cabin for a while. "They probably think they can do this to me because they know I won't fight back" I started. "Psychically I can't, but I can damn well try."

Thinking about it, fighting them might lead to my early death or just make things worse me while I wait for the others. I just don't like how they can treat me anyway they want. "Probably future me let them do anything they wanted to her." I let out a disappointed sigh. "Really me? Were you that willing to let those two do anything? You probably let them..." I stopped flying and blushed. "No, she couldn't have!" I shook my head to get rid of the thought. "But then again, maybe she didn't." I started to fly again. Only my future self, Black and Zamasu would know that. "Hmm."

Meanwhile at the cabin, Zamasu and Black had decided to help themselves to the playing cards I left in the living room last night. I wanted to play a card game with the two due to boredom and we ended up playing go fish. The game was okay but I lost every round and accuse the two of cheating. They laughed it off and I stormed off back to the bedroom.

"So, what do you think we should do with (Y/n) today?" Black asked.

"Good question" Zamasu discarded a card and grabbed two more.

"Should we mess with her until she finally submits?" Black also discarded a card and grabbed two more. "Because quite frankly, I'm starting to get bored of how slow things are." Black laid down the cards he had. "Straight flush."

Zamasu had a smirk on his face and he placed his cards down, revealing he had a royal flush. "I agree with you but what are we going to do to her exactly?"

"We can tease her more like we did to our (Y/n)."

"But our (Y/n) was easier to handle, this one can prove to be difficult."

"That just makes things more fun for us, don't you agree?" The two men shared a look with one another and nodded their heads in some sort of agreement.

Hours went by and I finally decided to return back to the cabin. "You know what, I'll ask them more about my future self and about them" I thought as I opened the door and walked in. "Maybe I can learn something that might help me in the long haul."

"Welcome back" Black greeted as he walked over to me. I sensed something was up and step to the side. I felt a hand grab my arm and held me still. I looked over to see Zamasu was the one holding onto my arm. Black walked over closer to us, trapping me in between the two men.

"Oh crap" I thought. The situation I was in did not look good. "I've seen too much media to know where this is going" I continued to think as I tried to get my arm free.

"Oh, are you starting to get scared (Y/n)?" Zamasu asked. His tone of voice shifted from his usual tone.

"As if" I scoffed then tried to struggle to get my arm free again. Zamasu grabbed my other arm and turned me around to face Black. He made sure my arms were up and to the side so I couldn't defend myself from whatever was about to happen to me.

Black leaned in close to my face and I turned away. "I admire you for acting so tough, (Y/n)." Black harshly grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him. "But it's not going to help you here."

Black was inches away from my face and I was starting to panic. "I need to think of something fast!" I thought. My previous questions I had for the two popped back up in my head. " did you like my future self?" I asked. Black stopped his advances.

"You can say that" Black answered.

"We certainly liked her above the other mortals" Zamasu added.

"Good. My plan is working" I thought as I continued to press them with questions. "So you would do anything for her, right?"

"Of course" they both said.

"So that meant you loved her, am I correct?" I felt Zamasu let my arms go and I took Black's hand off my chin. I was now standing a good distance away from the two.

"Love?" Black asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Love you say" Zamasu walked to the table and sat down. "I know of the general definition but I can't say that is exactly how we felt for her but it might be close."

"What are you trying to get at here (Y/n)?" Black asked.

"I'm just trying to see why you two decided to keep my future self and now me around" I started. "You clearly feel something for us." Maybe this was what future me was talking about. Maybe the two of them loved her but had a twisted way of showing it. I mean just look at how they approached me just now.

Black sat on the couch and found himself laughing. I titled my head in confusion. I wanted to know what was so funny to him. "Love?" Black laughed. "It was something that simple?" Black then glared at me and I gulped. "You may think that all you want (Y/n), but it's not going to help you escape from us" Black warned.

"He's right, there are things that our (Y/n) wasn't able to properly explain to us or let us experience before her passing." Zamasu was glaring at me as well.

"What do you mean by that?"

Black just continued to laugh. They didn't bother explaining to me what they meant by their words. It could probably have something to do with the concept of having feelings or something else entirely different. Then again who knows, these are the same guys who enjoyed killing mortals.

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