But, I hadn't wanted them to be quiet.  I wanted all the thoughts racing my head to be quiet.  Thomas admitted he loves me but he also admitted he had sex with my best friend.  Either he was lying abo-

Julie ran to us and mentioned, "The game's about to start. Let's go get our seats before someone takes them."

I saw my two friends' faces light up so they could leave their embarrassment from my brothers.  Emily stepped out from under the pavilion, pulled out her umbrella and Molly got underneath it.

"Good luck," my three friends announced.

"Yeah, good luck boys," I called and started to run with Emily, Molly and Julie to our seats.  This couldn't take any longer.  I just wanted to go home.  I couldn't stand being there any longer.

"That's not enough for me, Shrimp," Wesley said, running behind me and hugging me.

"You better win," I told and skirted his eyes so he couldn't see my tears.

"We always win," Wes cheered.

Then, Thomas came out of the locker room and onto the field. He pushed some member on his team away. The back of his soccer jersey read Clinton. He had dark skin and dark hair to match. The team member looked nice enough but Thomas stomped away from him and said a few angry curse words.

All of a sudden, our eyes met. His grey eyes looked glassy and before I knew it, he looked away.  I watched him walk away.

"Parker, the game is starting in a few minutes. Where are you going?" Clinton shouted.

He didn't answer him but kept walking away, across the field.

"Shrimp?" Wes asked and cupped my face so I couldn't be able to turn my head.

"What?" I mumbled and looked away.

"Should I go beat him up?"

"Wes, just play your game. You don't have to worry about me," I said, trying to break away from him.

"Why would you say that? I'm always going to worry about you until you're sick of me. Even then, I still won't stop," he told and wrapped his arms around me, dropping the hands from my face.

I mumbled against his upper stomach, "Thanks."

"You don't have to thank me for anything, Shrimp."

"Wes, we're starting."

He pulled away from me and kissed the top of my head. "I guess that's my cue. I love you."

"I love you, too. You better win."

"Nellie?" Lee asked as Wes pulled away from me.

I wiped my eyes with the back of my palms. "Good luck, Lee."

He wrapped me in a hug and whispered, "When we're done playing, I want to know what happened so I can properly beat that person. But, I think it has to deal with him."  Lee looked in the direction of Thomas.

I nodded and walked away, looking for where my friends were sitting.


I tried to pay attention to the game but my eyes wouldn't stop from wandering to Thomas.  I couldn't stand being there any longer.  It felt like I was suffocating.

"I'll be back. I have to go to the bathroom," I said, getting out of my seat.

My eyes did not meet any of my friends as I walked past them. This game was enough for me. I was there to support my brothers but why did I feel so horrible? A stinging sensation was in my eyes from the crying and the makeup that I wore to try to look nice.

The Bad Boy is a KingWhere stories live. Discover now