Chapter 33. An image from the fiery pits of hell [Michael]

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Lucy stops her stomping through the house. Dropping her backpack with a thud on the floor right in front of us. Her cheeks are red from what I can presume to be the cold from outside. Maybe slightly because of the position that we're in.

Her blue eyes dart across the room, from Caleb and over to me. The wheels, turning inside her head.

"Are you guys finally boyfriends now?" She says, breaking the cramped silence that overwhelmed the house when she first entered. She rolls her eyes and flops down on the couch, crossing her legs. "Not surprised."

Surprisingly, I had expected her to ask more 'alarming' questions. A more striking one. Perhaps why the house is caked in mud and droplets of blood. Or maybe why I'm sporting bruises from head to toe.

As if she can read minds, she speaks up again.

"What happened?" She asks, addressing us head-on.

Caleb looks over at me, giving me a noticeable look. He's expecting me to answer her, to explain the rendezvous of last night. I nudge him with my shoulder. Shaking my head as a clear no.

Instead, I decide to sit down. My back is too sore for me to stand upright anymore. I groan as I slump down on the couch. My wing twitches in pain. The fight has delayed the process for its healing more. Setting my wish to use them even further back.

I look out the window as Caleb starts to explain the happenings of last night to Lucy. His voice becomes distant, and I drift off. Taking in the gray outside. How the orange and brown leaves are falling off of the trees with each stroke of harsh wind.

Suddenly, everything turns red. The sky, the ground. Flames roar from every surface. Smoke clouds hide the once burning sun.

There are screams. Cries for help. Burned hands grab at me as I walk down a trail of ashes through a village that looks scarily familiar. Resembling something much like home. Or what used to be my home. I've seen all of this before. The same destruction, the same deaths. I was young back then, merely a child.

It's not the first time I'm drawn back to this. I did it once before, one of the first days I woke up at Calebs. Although this time, my mind is definitely playing games with me. It wants to tell me something, to remember.

A small voice in the back of my head tells me to move on. To keep walking, and I do. I follow the trail. It leads me to a hill, outlooking the rest of the houses, all standing up in flames.

Beneath my feet, through the smoke clouds from the houses, there are sounds of clashing metal, following a roar of beasts, some wailing in pain, others screaming in anger.

A man steps up next to me. There's a sense of familiarity to him. The way he's hunched over. How his black wings cover the rest of him like a cape, and how his long black hair falls into his eyes, hides his face.

"It's a pretty sight," The man says, voice cold, controlled.

I frown. Disgusted by the slender man's words.

"Who are you?" I find myself asking him.

He only chuckles. A smirk looms on his face, showing off his sharp teeth just like a predator's. There's a name right on my tongue, but I can't get it out. Fear trails down the back of my neck, the small of my hairs rising.

"You know of my name, boy," He ticks his tongue. Turning to me and staring at me with glowing orange eyes. "I've haunted your dreams ever since I killed your mother."

I take a step back.

He laughs. It's short and breathy. Yet, there's no amusement in his eyes. They're as dead as he looks. "I will admit seeing your father get ripped to shreds by my beasts was more entertaining. Your mother was too accepting of her fate." He says it as if the words mean nothing to him. As if it's just a normal everyday conversation. He's so cold, so evil.

I grit my teeth. Tears form in my eyes, on the edge of falling down. "What do you want?" I ask him, voice wavering.

He chuckles and steps closer. He's face to face with me. We're almost the same height.

"I won't stop until you and every single 'angel friend' of yours are dead," He says.

"Why, what's your purpose?" I ask. "Who the hell are you?"

"You don't remember?" He asks. There's a hint of surprise on his face, at least from what I can see. "You-"

Caleb drags me out of my head with a simple touch to my shoulder. Right before I could finally remember one thing. A question I've been dying to get an answer for, why.

"You okay?" He asks hesitantly. He's bowed down, resting on his thighs as he looks up at me, confused.

I nod. But by the way, chills run down my spine, the hairs on my arms rising. It's a lie.

"Were you having a flashback or something?" Lucy asks from beside me. Her eyes are wide and curious. Clearly interested.

"No," I lie. "I was just thinking," I say. I have to grasp what I saw before I tell anything. To understand what was true and what was made up by my mind trying to play guessing games with me.

Caleb nods. Clearly knowing of my lie, although he doesn't push any further, not yet. "You can shower if you want to. I already put fresh clothes out for you," He says instead. "I will go make breakfast."

"I'll help," Lucy jumps up from the couch.

They both leave me on the couch. Heading straight for the kitchen.

I walk down to the bathroom. Ready to open the door when something bumps into me from behind. Small arms wrap around my waist. I turn around, looking down to see Lucy staring up at me, face tousled into the feathers of my wings.

"What is this for?" I find myself asking, smiling down at her.

"I'm glad you're okay," She smiles up at me. "And thanks for saving Caleb too."

She runs back to the kitchen before I can reply.

I shrug it off for now. Walking into the bathroom, I drop my clothes and step under the stream of warm water. The rest of the mud I didn't get off last night finally washes off. Staining the water a brown color for a short second before clearing up.

When I'm done. I shut off the water. Stepping out, I dry myself off and put on some pants.

I reach the living room once again. There, I'm met with the sight of Lucy and Caleb, munching on plates of egg and bacon and toast. The seat next to Caleb on the couch is free. A fresh and steaming plate right in front of it on the table. I sit down, letting myself dive in.  

This chapter truly was a hell to write. I'm sorry about the lack of updates, but I've been stuck in my story for a bit, doubting my abilities. But I can't stop now, so I will keep going!!! See you guys in the next update and have a good day :))

- Sofufff

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