(#3) Test Flight

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"No, I'm alright."

"Very well."

Galleous stood up and motioned for Val to follow him to the centre of the shrine. She stood in front of him, eagerly awaiting his first lesson with the Songs.

"The knowledge I am about to give you can and must be applied to all Songs you will wield in your lifetime," he began. "When you summon your Song, it will be strongest only when you use every part of yourself to will it into existence. You have to use your heart - not just your mind, and summon it from deep within. Understand?"

Val nodded.

"Good. Now, I believe the best way for one to learn something is to practice it in action," he continued.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, for example - if I gave you a Protisium Song, you would learn it better if you had to defend yourself against something in real-time. If you were facing the undead, you would be able to summon it rather easily - it would essentially be a matter of life and death, thus triggering the Song from inside you."

Val nodded slowly. She could understand that, there was certainly logic behind his words. Then a thought occurred to her.

"So... what's the technical practice for me then? You're not going to throw me to the undead are you?"

Val's panic settled in fast, but disappeared again just as quickly.

"Why would I do that?" Galleous frowned. "I'm throwing you off the island."

The look on Val's face was priceless. "WHAT? You can't be serious!"

"Hey, listen," Galleous said quickly. "The worst that could happen is you land safely in the water under the city."

"I think you mean the worst that could happen is I fall, I am unable to activate my Song, and I die from hitting an island or bridge at high speeds," the Mendoris retorted.

"Look, if I wasn't confident you can do this safely, I wouldn't have given you your Song in the first place. Think about that."

Val paused, letting his words sink in. After a moment's consideration, she answered, "No."

"What do you mean, 'no'? Do you want to learn your Song or not?"

"Not like this."

Val turned to leave, but Galleous grabbed her arm as she tried. He glared daggers into her lilac eyes.

"Val Mendoris, are you my student?"

"Yes," she sighed after a second.

"Do you want to learn your Song?"


"So, we can do this my way... or no way."

Val groaned in annoyance, "Fine. But can I at least try summoning my wings up here on the island first?"


The Mendoris then closed her eyes again, and focused on channelling her Song.

You want the Song to form. Keep your concentration, focus on what you want to happen.

Nothing. Several failed attempts later, Val was beginning to grow impatient.

"Nothing's working, Galleous! I've kept my concentration, but nothing's happening," she sighed. Galleous glanced up at her.

"You haven't tried everything. I think it's time you try it my way now."

He walked over to her, causing her to step back a few times.

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