The Advice!

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Bakugo: Why are you still looking at me like that? Was I not clear enough or are you deaf DEKU?!

Neither was I deaf nor was I ignoring him. I just couldn't believe what he was saying right now. The guy in front of me was a bully and a ticking time bomb, no, a walking terrorist would be more precise! No matter how I looked at him he was no hero material at all.

Me: ....

Bakugo: In case you fucking didn't understand! JUST TAKE A SWAN DIVE AND PREY TO GET A QUIRK IN YOUR NEXT LIFE!

You know what?!

I understood you the first time!

"You still want to be a fucking hero you stupid waste of space?! If so then here is a brilliant advice for you! Fucking take it to heart! Why not take a swan dive and prey for a quirk in your next life!"

You seriously?!

You do realize that this would make you a murderer!


I had it with you!

Me: ... you don't mean it f-

Bakugo: I fucking do!


I screamed that at Bakugo before I stood up from where he beat me down and dashed passed him. It was only the moment when I said that that his brain finally started to work again and realize what I just said. The second I passed him it was as if time had stopped and I saw the blank look of horror in his face. Too bad it was already too late as I was running into the school again and up to the rooftop. It was only there that I came to a stop while literally facing the rooftop door and standing by the railing. Only one step behind me and I would fall over it to my death.

Bakugo: DE- IZUKU!

Ohh now he knows my name...

Why are you even here?!

Wanna die with me?!

You love screaming DIE at every attack and every move you made on me!

Was it fun?!

Ohh you know what?!

This is my present to you!

I hope you like being a murderer!

You should be happy and smile!

After all this is your advice and what you told me for sooo many years now!

Me: Oh Kacc- no Bakugo. You told me yourself to do this! Don't you want to see me gone?!

I smiled at him as he was standing there with wide eyes. He clearly didn't know what to do at all. No one would.

Me: This will be my present to you! You are no hero! You are the perfect villain and I am very honored to be your first kill count!

I stepped back as I smiled and let myself fall to my own death. Life was miserable for me so I never intended to live in it for much longer. The society was more and more against it and so I just did what he suggested at least I could make a villain and destroy his dream like he did to me.


I will be free from YOU...




At least my death wasn't for nothing!

I just created the best villain! Ohh and did you know?!

With me dead rumors about you will spread which means you can't be a hero!!!

This is my present to you, you DANDELION!

I hope you will treasure your life as a villain or behind bars... maybe they will out you through therapy.... WHO KNOW!

But I would seriously like to see that.... Ah it would be god to haunt you till the day you die!

I won't let you live without regret!

You will suffer!

However, the moment I felt being free and light as a feather, I saw him jump after me.

Bakugo: DEKU!

Even now he called me like that. It was probably some kind of stupid sense of justice since he jumped after me and was trying to catch me.

Me: Tsk!

Can't even let me have it my way!

Fine then!



I prey to you!

Let me be reincarnated in another world with him so that I can have my revenge on him!

[A/N: .... Your wish is my command!]

I will make sure to crush his dream properly!

[A/N: .... But you know I like your world so .... You will just live another life! Don't worry it will be different since I'll let both of you remember what you did! :) ]

Ahh watch me god!

I will pay your kindness back with however I can!

[A/N: Ohh you are doing this already since we can read what happens to you!]

Everyone saw us as we both fell to our own death. It was a very short fall but death was invincible. There was nothing that could be done to us to save us. Once we both hit the ground it was over.

[A/N: You mean a new beginning! >:D Good luck! I am currious to see what you have in mind for revenge]

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