
We arrived at school with Jesus sitting in the passenger seat and Callie, Brandon and Mariana in the back.

"I feel like since I'm your best friend I should get to sit in the front next time." Mariana complained for the 5th time since we left

"Well you should have called shotgun and also I'm her boyfriend so I get to sit in the front," Jesus told her

"If you two keep fighting I'm gonna let Brandon sit in the front on the way back," I told them annoyed with their bickering

Mariana ended up going to meet with Lexi while I stayed with Jesus

"Hey babe how are you doing?" I asked him

"Well I'm still mad at her for stealing my pills but I feel bad that the meeting went bad," Jesus said while putting his arm around my shoulder

"I'm sorry that she did that and well I don't know what to say on the last part,"I told him leaning in more to him

"it's okay," he said kissing the top of my head

"Well let's go we're going to be late," I said pulling him to class


I was standing next to Jesus while they did locker checks since mine was next to his . If I'm gonna be honest the security guard was kinda rude, Once they were done Jesus dragged me and Mariana away "How many kids are you selling to anyway?" He asked her in a hushed voice

"I don't know 5 or 6?" She said with her arms crossed

"Are you kidding me, Mariana?" I whispered shouted.

Before she could say anything Jesus spoke"You better hope none of them are keeping their stash in their lockers." and with that, we were off

Apparently, Jesus got into a fight with Lexi's boyfriend because he was being rude to her or something. I waited outside of Lena's office for him

"Omg, Jesus are you okay?" I asked him checking him for injuries

"Yes babe, why wouldn't I be?" he asked taking my hands in his

"Well I heard about the fight, you scared me," I said with sad eyes

"I'm sorry Mi Renia I didn't mean to scare you, I love you," he said looking me in my eyes

"I love you too Mi Rey but please don't do that again," I told him

"I promise I won't."He said giving me a kiss

"Ok let's get back to class," I said taking his hand and dragging him to class, on our way we ran into Mariana, and let's say they got in a mini fight where I had to calm Jesus down.


Later that night I was in Jesus's room drawing while he was on his computer listening to music when Mariana knocked and came in

"Hey Mari, I was actually about to go to your room since I miss you and Jesus is blasting his music," I told her getting up to hug her

"Oh, is it okay if I talk to him?' she asked

"Yeah just be warned he's a little jumpy today,"I said grabbing my stuff then turning to Jesus giving him a kiss on the cheek which he took his headphone off and looked at me.

"What was that for?'He asked with a goofy smile

"I'm gonna be in Mariana's room for a bit, "I told him, he nodded his head and gave me a kiss

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