
Meanwhile, on a far distant planet. A large pyramid looking spaceship was touching down on a ghostly looking world. The area itself looked dead, as if there was no nature or vegetation found anywhere in the planet. The skies were always gray and there was always fog near the surface of the land.

As soon as the spaceship landed, and the doors to the ship opened, Void exited the spacecraft and thanked the local pilot by giving him a tip.

"Here you go sir, help yourself." Void said as he handed him 25 dollars. Void then walks out of the spaceship and onto the surface of the dead planet.

As the spaceship took off; never to be seen again, Void walks up a nearby mountain where he comes across a building that seemed very familiar to him. It was an old looking building, it was somewhat abandoned and it's infrastructure was deteriorating from inside and out.

It was Void's old elementary school. The very school where his stepmother taught a class, the school where Void was bullied, and the school where he met a minister of the United Anti-Virus movement for the very first time.

"Wow, this place takes me back. I cannot believe I'm saying this... but I don't feel so good with returning back here, but what other choice do I have?" Void said as he was looking very nervous.

As Void got closer to the school, he noticed a grave site with a tombstone that was vandalized and tipped over. As Void got closer to it, he saw the name on the stone which read, "Here lies Jinx, beloved mother, teacher and programmer for the United Anti-Virus movement."

"Mother..." Whispered Void in tears, he got down on his knees and touched the tombstone crying.

As the blue robot bowed his head in sorrow while mourning for his mother's death. Little did he realize, but 5 other robots that looked almost similar to him but had different designs and colors were slowly approaching him with caution; not knowing if he was a friend or foe.

Without second thoughts, and with no turning back; the 5 robots drew their swords and aimed them straight for Void's neck.

After Void finished grieving for his stepmother, he slowly gets back to his feet. He then turns around and is suddenly greeted by the 5 swords, Void was frightened.

"Hands up, chump!" Shouted an alizarin colored robot with similar armor as Void ranger.

Void quickly threw his hands up looking terrified.

"State your name and business." Ordered the alizarin ranger.

"My name is Void ranger, I am an anti-virus for the United Anti-Virus movement!" Void responded hastily. But Void then suddenly lowered his arms nice and slowly as he began to recognize one of the multi colored robots. "Wait a minute... Axer Blue? Is that you? Don't you remember me?! We were classmates in elementary school together!"

"No excuses mister Void, security here is tight after the incident that happened years ago with your family. Which by the way, I'm very sorry for your loss." Axer Blue remarked while bowing his head in sorrow.

"It's alright, my stepmother was sick... There was nothing we could have done to disinfect her. My stepfather hates anti-virus vendors and I was defenseless at the time. Her death was the reason why I left this planet to join the United Anti-Virus movement." Void reassured while placing his hand on Axer Blue's shoulder.

The gray robot next to Axer Blue with sunglasses wasn't taking any of Void's b******t. He pushed Axer Blue to the side and aimed his sword to Void's neck again. "In that case, welcome back to elementary school, Void ranger. Cmon, lets teach this poor b*****d what happens when he gets in our way!"

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