chapter eleven

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Pico didn't know what he was gonna do with boyfriend.

While on his walk to find something that the other could have for dinner, all he could think about was how he could possibly get the other to fall for him.

He had been planning on trying to take boyfriend for months, but he still didn't know what he was going to do. He knew he wanted boyfriend, he understood that he needed somewhere for boyfriend to stay, he knew from the very beginning that he would have to keep it a secret, but what he didn't know was how to have the other fall in love with him.

The other wasn't making anything easy. Ever since pico kidnapped him, he has been defiant, a huge crybaby, and Holy shit was he acting way to smug for the situation he was in. Pico thought boyfriend would be super shy and listen and do everything he's told, but nope, he was way to wrong.

Pico walked around for a good place to get food before he decided on just going to the store. He knew boyfriend liked fruit, so maybe he would get that.

While looking around, pico soon found himself walking into the fruit and vegetables section. He continued down until he stopped at fruits. He then picked up a thing of strawberries. He looked at it for a second before he decided on that.

Maybe he would get some chocolate and put it ontop of the strawberries.

That would be desert, obviously.

Pico then looked some more before he picked up watermelon. It was his favorite type of fruit, so he put it in the basket he held as well.

Everything he seemed to get so far seemed more like a treat then an actual dinner, so pico walked around some more before he found the seafood section. Everyone told him that he was good at getting the type of food ready and was good at cooking it, so he decided on some oysters and shrimp. Pico liked shrimp.

He bought his stuff and walked out of the store, making his way back to his apartment.

Okay, looking back at what he got...he might need to sleep in his own room tonight.

Pico soon got back as he opened the door to the front of the apartment complex. The bags in his hands where starting to hurt him, the three cases of stairs he had to go up being a living hell.

He soon got to the top with a groan, pulling his keys out of his pocket. It took a bit, but pico soon noticed the piece of paper that was taped on his door. He put down a bag and ripped the note down. He unlocked the door and walked inside with his bags, putting them on the floor of the kitchen.

Pico grabbed the note and read it.

Hey pico
I went to boyfriends apartment but he didn't show up. I got a call from my mom saying they were coming home and that I was in trouble, so if you see him, please tell me. I'm really worried.

As he put down the note, pico realized he might need to take care of girlfriend. If she figured out what was happening, pico was screwed.

He scoft before crumbling it and putting it in the trash. Pico put the stuff he bought in the fridge. He walked over to boyfriends room and grabbed the key from a top of the door frame, unlocked the door, and walked inside. "Boyfriend?" He closed the door and locked it, making sure to not look as he did it, so that he wouldn't get attacked like the night before.

The bed was empty. Boyfriend wasn't in the bedroom. Pico walked over to the bathroom door. It was closed, so maybe he was in there. Pico knocked. He heard nothing. He slowly opened the door. Boyfriend wasn't in there either. Pico sighed as he closed the door again and walked over infront of the bed. He leaned down and finally, there boyfriend was, sleeping underneath the bed.

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