chapter six

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As soon as pico woke up, he had a shiver run up his spin as a giant smile grew on his face.

While sleeping, he forgot all about boyfriend. He thought it was a dream for a second before he heard the other.

Boyfriend was a sleep next to pico. He was covered so he was hopefully warm. Pico was glad boyfriend was able to sleep next to him without freaking out.

That probably ment they where gonna be okay.

But, as soon as boyfriend woke up, he started to panic. Pico watched him lay there as he gripped his chest and heaved. "Are you okay?"

"Fuck!" Boyfriend yelled as pico tried to put his arm around him.

Instead of cuddling like Pico hoped, boyfriend got up and sate in the corner of the room "st-sta-stay away!" He must have had a bad dream.

"Its okay. Whats wrong, did you have a bad dream?"

"Yes! This. This is a bad dream. Why the hell am I here, I wanted to wake up at home!" Tears then started to form in bfs eyes. Pico got up as quick he could to sit in front of the other.

"No its not a bad dream. Its supposed to be paradise." Pico smiled hoping that would work.

"Really? You think I want being locked here with you a paradise? Are you insane!"

"Well...I can't change your mind at the moment, but I hope I can over time." Pico walked over to the dresser and pulled out some good day clothing and tossed it to boyfriend. "Here, change."

"...these are my clothes. how did you..."

"ive been kind of sneaking around for a while to make sure i have what you like. its not weird! before you say anything, just a pro-caution."

"how long have you been watching me?" boyfriend asked, starting to feel worry boil in him.

"well, it started when i saw you for the first time in two years. i just knew i needed you back." pico felt a smile creep on to his face as he finally got the truth out.

"that was six months ago...why have you become this? your not the pico i knew."

"yes, i am! i have been like this ever since that day. you of all people should know this." pico walked over to the bed and sate down. he put his hands behind his body and learned back.

boyfriend was speech less.

he truly felt like the pico he knew was taken and replaced with a pycho.

when they broke up, bf didn't think the next time they saw each other pico would try to kill him. the stalking and kidnapping was a lot worse then he thought to. but boyfriends didn't want to think that his lovable pico was this person that sate in front of him. 

feeling a panic attack start to come out, bf grabbed the collar around his neck and started to pull. he needed to get out of here. "take this off of me."

"why? it looks cute on you." pico put his head on his shoulder and grinned. everything looked good on boyfriend to him. he still has a shirt he put on that he left. "theres no reason to take it off anyway." pico got back up from his spot and walked over to the panic'y man. "just relax." 

"no! i don't want to relax! how the hell do i relax when ive been fucking kidnapped by a manic! i want out of here!" tears started to stream down boyfriends face as he tugged at the collar some more. 

pico grabbed his hands and pulled them down. he looked boyfriend in the eye, only to have the other avert his gaze and look down, closing his eyes as tight a he could. pico was starting to get annoyed again. how was he supposed to change bfs decision if he won't even look at him. 

"look, i brought you here to get you back, not to have you be constantly complaining. its better in here. out there is a hell hole where you have to work horrible hours just to keep yourself alive. you are being targeted by so many people that your a walking bomb. its better in here then out there." pico got back up and walked over to the desk to pull out the remote he put in there a few months prior.

"anything is better then being locked up for how ever long you want me to be!" boyfriend yelled as he curled in on himself even more. picos eye twitched as he ran back over to boyfriend. he gabbed the other, putting his fingers on his right cheek and his thumb on his right.

"nothing is better then me for you. you dont need shit out there, i'm the only one you fucking need, forever!" pico let go by tossing bf down. he then realized his mistake. "shit! im sorry boyfriend!" he got down and pulled the blunette into a hug, only to be pushed away. bf was still a little uncomfortable and pico could tell.

"i don't need your fucking apologizes." bf was now more pissed then sad as he stayed in his spot.  pico let out a sigh as he felt his vains pulse. he just went for sitting back down on the bed.

the two sate in silents for a little bit. it felt like hours had passed with there being no light or clock. pico was starting to fall back a sleep when he finally decided to talk, going for talking his heart out. "for two years, i constantly thought about you. you, just you." pico looked to the side when boyfriend sunk more into himself. "for two years, i slept with all the men i could, trying to find the right person, but no ass could compare. not even killing helped me get rid of you." bf finally looked up, his face hinting at disgust. "all the people i killed and all the people i fucked,  none of them where you." pico grabbed his right arm with his left hand and leaned forward. "i just needed you." 

"wow. just wow. your so disgusting."


"telling me your sob story is not gonna make me feel empathy. thats not even a sob story, it's just a pycho telling me that he might have a disease." boyfriend got up from his spot and got down in front of pico. "i may want out, but im not gonna be nice. you've known me for over a decade, and i have not changed. im not gonna be a submissive bitch for you just because you want me to. i am gonna treat you like shit till i get the fuck out of this so called home." bf got back up and walked back to the corner.

pico felt his eye start to twitch again as he grabbed the collar button from his pocket, pressing it out of anger. boyfriend started to shake and twinge as he fell back. pico kept his finger on the button as he got over boyfriend. "you really think your in charge? i may love you but i will do anything to make sure you will love me to! even if it means shocking you to till you cant move!" pico felt a laugh come from his throat as he watched bf strain.

Pico finally let go of the button as boyfriend grabbed out to him. At this point he felt bad. "Fuck, I shouldn't have done that so long." Pico grabbed boyfriend whos hair was a mess just from the shock. He put the boy on the bed and grabbed the remote. "I'm sorry, i usually don't lose it like that." Pico rubbed his neck. He really did feel bad.

He turned on the TV that was across the bed and put something on to try and distract the already fumbling man.

A couple hours of silence passed.

The TV was still on, probably something random, as pico kept boyfriend to his chest. Bf passed out an hour before and pico couldn't help but feel guilty for what he had done. He never dose that unless he's killing someone.

Pico shook bf who's eyes slowly started to open. He looked up to pico. "Please."

"Whats wrong blue?" He put his head to the side to look bf in the eyes.

"No more." Not even a second later, boyfriend was sobbing his heart out. Pico hugged him close and just let it happen. He needed to make up for what he had done.

Before five minutes passed, pico laid bf down and got up from the bed to walk into the bathroom. He kept the door open then walked in front of the mirror. "Never do that again you idiot. Hes not as strong as you think, so stop."

You really are a sick fuck arnt you


only with me (yandere pico x boyfriendTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang