chapter nine

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Pico had made it to boyfriends apartment complex.

He was waiting outside for nene. He also called Darnell, but he laughed and told pico he was fucked and said 'I'm not going to jail just because you have a hard on for your ex' it pissed pico off more then he already was, but it was whatever.

Nene said she was up for it since she missed seeing boyfriend. Pico hated how close they where when the two dated, but nene was a good...influence? It was fine with him.

pico stood on his phone for the better half of ten minutes before he saw the asian girl running up to him. "hey" she stopped right before running into him. it seemed as if she had run the entire way since she was panting and out of breath. "what do you...need help with exactly."

"we need to go inside before i tell you everything." pico opened the front door for the girl who then walked inside as if she wasn't just heaving a second ago. 

the two took the evaluator since nene said she couldn't walk anymore. when they got to the third floor, nene questioned what pico was doing at boyfriends before they walked up to the room and pico opened the door. "wait, he may be a sleep." not wanting to disturb bf, since nene thought he was in there, she stayed in the hallway until pico waved out to her.

"he's not here, now come in quick." nene cocked her head to the side but walked in none the less.

"what do you mean he's not here? isn't this his place." nene questioned as pico shut the door when she walked in. he didn't really know what to tell her. she knew he was going after boyfriend to get him back, but unlike Darnel, she didn't know that pico was planning on taking him. 

"he's at my place, which is close to the reason i need your help" nene cocked her head again which caused pico to sigh. why was she so thick headed.

so, pico went into what was happening and why he needed help.

"okay" pico sighed again. "you know how i wanted to try and take boyfriend back right?" nene nodded. "well, i was just trying to break them up, and after not to long i knew there was nothing i could do, so instead i slowly got a room in my apartment ready for bf and stalked him for around three months until the right time came up to, well, try and take him and put him into that room, and since girlfriend is on vacation, i had a feeling that it was the right time, after i finished the room, but i accidentally texted girlfriend that i was making boyfriend breakfast but I didn't know that bf tricked me just so i would untie him after he got punished, so she may possibly be on her way here." nene blinked a couple of times before her face went from confused to angry as she walked up to pico and slapped him across the face.

"you fucking idiot!" pico rubbed the spot on his cheek that she hit, contemplating hitting her back, but he knew he deserved that. "what the hell where you thinking! there is no way you are not going to jail for this! god why don't you think before you act!" nene was right...

he probably should have waited a year.

"well, we need to make a plan for when his girlfriend gets here." nene rubbed her forehead. "you are so...shit i dont know."

"Okay, why don't you relax while we come up with that plan."

"Good idea." Nene rested herself on top of the couch. "Um, maybe when she gets here we could tell her that bf is...out shopping? Maybe?"

"Then why are we here?"

"Will say that we came to hang and bf decided to go out for a bit to try and calm down after work."

"No, boyfriend hates shopping, so if we said he went alone then she would know somthing is up. It's also 4 am."

"Dang. Okay, we put a note on the table that we write telling bf to come to your apartment, and when she sees it she'll know he's at your place."

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