chapter ten

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Boyfriend woke up to see pico across from him with his eyes closed. He feel asleep not to long after boyfriend did.

Bf let out a long sigh as he sat up in the bed. He looked over to pico who had a very peaceful face with drool running down his cheek. Boyfriend had a smile form on his face as he stared at his psychotic ex.

The smile soon disappeared when bf realized who he was smiling at. Bf rubbed his eyes then slowly put his feet on the carpet floor. He kept his eyes down as he stood up.

Boyfriend walked over to the bathroom door and walked inside after he opened it. He sat down on the tub as he contemplated trying to grab the key from the door frame.

It wasn't worth it.

Bf felt like shit with how much he's tossed himself around trying to escape.

His back was still hurting from the night before, so bf went to the bathroom, washed his hands, then went back out into his cage.

Boyfriend walked over to the dresser next to the bed and grabbed the TV remote, going infront of the bed and sitting down on the floor.

Bf got comfy then turned the TV on.

Pico must have done alot to met the expectations he thought boyfriend would have. He had almost every channel you could possibly have. So bf put on a random show and watched.

Sleeping was one of his only escapes, but he hoped that television would work too.

While watching, boyfriend kept thinking about bad things.

Pico was still asleep and that made him a huge target, but if he was to wake up in the middle of boyfriend doing anything, he might shock him or hurt him or do something possibly worse.

It had only been two days, but when bf did sleep, he had really bad nightmares. Specifically pico. They where all about him.

Bf had a bad dream last night that he had just woken up too where pico grabbed him by the wrist and tide him up, only to force boyfriend into having sex with him, but it ended there as bf woke up.

The dream stuck with bf while he watched the show, causing boyfriend to look behind himself every so often to make sure pico wouldn't pounce.

Boyfriend started to drift as he felt a sad feeling corse through his body as he put his head in his knees.

He soon started to cry which turned into full on sobbing. This was the worst things thats ever happened to him and bf was loseing it. Boyfriend was already having a hard time staying alive, then this had to happen.

Bfs sobs got so loud that he suddenly felt the bed move and heard it squeak then felt a hand on his shoulder, causeing him to jump. "Whats wrong honey?"

He must have woke pico up. Boyfriend didn't freak out this time as he just gave a regular answer "its nothing." He would have said that he was scared to keep living, but bf knew that pico would have probably tied him up again.

"I feel like your lieing to me" pico sat up then got down on the floor next to boyfriend. He slowly put his arm around the others shoulder. Boyfriend jumped a little and had his heart race for a second before he calmed down

"I promise, its nothing."

"Babe, don't lie to me."

"Don't call me babe." Boyfriend looked over to the side, the next episode of his show playing a happy toon, which was very unfitting at the moment.

"You used to let me call you that all the time." Pico looked over with a sad expression.

"That was the past. And just a reminder..." Boyfriend turned his head back over to pico, his brows now knit. "I'm in a relationship." Bf then turned his head back, not caring if he hurt picos feelings or not.

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