1.{1st season ; Winter}

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{charlot's pov}

It's the december 1st and i just arrived at the airport  in amsterdam that's right i am from holland but enough with the blabing.. haha i am going to itlay because of my study and i am so nernous.. i mean this is the first time i am ever going away on my own.. so yeah... my godd it's so cold.. ugh i hate the winter.. but what i do like about this season is chrismas i mean  i loveee the holidays... haha okay well i already said goodbye to my mom and brother.. and this is how tht went..

{2hours before}

{Chartlots Pov}

'Omgg.. i can't belive you're going italy..my big gril..'

'Momm... pleasee..'

'My baby..'

'Momm pleasee leo is going to be there to so i won't be alone..and Elena mom...so don't worry'

Elena has been my friend for almost ten years now.. and we met in high school and we been friends evefr since and she lives in itlay with leo because they are friends to so yeah..

'Yeah.. but still my big girl...i going to rome the city of love..'

'That's paris mom..'

'Whatever.. but uhm honey i hope you have so much fun there..'

'I hope so to mom.. now can i hug my brother please..'

'Yeah ofcourse..'

She says while she lets me go out of the hug

'Good luck sissy..'

'Thanks brandy..'

'Hey! Can you stop calling me brandy!..'

'Nooo... i am not..hehe'

'I hate you..'

'I love  you to brandon..'


And that's how that ended sort of but uhmm now i am on the plane soo here wee goo... off to my new home for the next two years...

*couple of hours later* *at the airport of rome*

{charot's pov}

Omgg.. i am here... omg.. rome is amazingg as this time of year i mean...


I hear a voice say behind me while i turn around

'Omg!! Leo!!! What are you doing here??!'

'Hii!!... lottie.. picking you up...? You're mom texted me..'

that's my nickname btw haha forgot to tell you not that it's important but still loll

'Omg... but how have you been???'

'Been doing great lottie.. i mean i've made alot friends...'

'Yeah i know how's damiano..??'

'He is doing great actually he is in the car waiting.. for us..'

'Is he with you???'


'Leo... you know i don't like damiano...'

'Oh come on.. he's always nice to you...'

'No.. remember our last face time call??'

'I know.. i know... he came in drunk.. i know and i've said sorry a thosaund times.. but he lives with me so..'

'So what??? Leo.. he said that thing about brandon.. and you know i hate it when people talk bad about my brother'

'Oh come on.. just come to the car with me.. and i'll show you around okay??'

'Ughh okay...'

Here we gooo......

*at the car*

{charlot's pov}

'Hi damiano...'

'Oh heyy!.. lottie! How are you doing??'

'fine thank you... now shut up!..'

'My goodness you're stil mad huh??'

'Yeah... now can we go please???'

'Seriouslly.. charlot???'

'What??? Leo.. come on.. you supposed to have my back you know cause we're friends???'

'I know lottie.. now can you be nice??'

'Yeah whatever..'

I say while rolling my eyes...

'Noww lottie do you wanna stay at ours?? Or??'

'Uhh maybe yeah?? Cause then i can study from home.. so that would be great leo..'

'Yess alright then you're staying..'

'Hey! It's my house to you know bro??'

Damiano says while driving

'Yeah so?? She's my friend..'

'So i am i...'

'Oh shut up damiano!...'

'Ughhh can you just shut you're mouth please??'


*time skip* *at a club* *00:00*

{charlot's pov}

Ughh i am at this club with leo and damiano and i lost them so now i can't go anywere because ughh i hate this... wait let's check outside...


Ughhh i can't find them ughh i...- oh shit...

'Hey! Watch it!...'

'oh i am so sorry didn't see you there..'

A blond boy says to me while he smoking... a sigarette my goodness he's hot...

'It's okay...'

'Are you lost or something??..'

'Uhm i've lost my friends.. so...'


'So now i can't go anywere because i am living at their house.. and i don't have key yet..??'

Whyy i am i telling this to a stranger...

'Well... you can come with me if you want??'

'But you're a stranger to me.. i can't just leave...with you...'

'I know..but you can't trust me.. come on.. let's go to my house..'


I say a bit nervous...


*in the moring*

{Charlot's pov}

Ughh my head hurts.. not that drank much but still ughh were the hell i am i???? Wait?? Yesterday... that guy.. omgg....

'Yeah yeah leo she is here with me.. don't worry..'

Wait huhh?? That guy knows leo??

'No we didn't have sex bro i would never do that with one of you're friends... but she is hot bro..'

I hear the guy say in the other room next to the bedroom

'I know i know. Leo.. i have to go now.. bye leo..'

Wait??..omgg... now i remember... that guy is also one of leo's friends.. omggg..



First chapter! Of this whole new storyy! 🙆🏻‍♀️🙊🙊 noow let me know what you think and see youu next timee😘😘😘

Also this is going to be a season story soo that means that this is season one . Of the story so i hope ya' all like itt!!😘😘

Ps. I am still writing my other story  soo if i don't post that much  you know why but i'll try my best soo ;)

a stranger to me.   {christmas story}Where stories live. Discover now