Who's faster??🤔

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Shane:Welcome back again so it's a truth this time it's from you know her the one and only Baddy2021 and here is the Truth

𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑:𝚆𝚑𝚘'𝚜 𝚏𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠 𝚘𝚛 𝚂𝚘𝚗𝚒𝚌?

Shane:Great question my friend Sonic? Shadow?

Sonic:Well they don't call me the fastest thing alive for nothing so I'm fastest

Shadow:Right but i think I'm faster Lapis i am the Ultimate lifeform after all

Sonic:Even if you are the Ultimate lifeform Shads but I'm faster then you, you used rocket shoes

Shadow:But i can run without them

Sonic:Oh really huh? I like to see you try

Shadow:Oh~ is that a challenge Lapis~? *he get his face close to Sonic with a smirk on his face*

Sonic:*he blushed* m-maybe...

Shadow:*he smirks more then he grab a hold of his lovers waist* ok then let's have a race if you win you can do anything you want.....

Sonic:*sigh relief and was still blushing but lightly* o-ok- *but he was cut off*

Shadow:But if i win~ *he smirked and whisper something in his ear*

Sonic:*his face heated up as his tip of his ears and tail are red*

Shadow:So do we have a deal Lapis?~


Shadow:Good boy~

Shane:Ahem! Excuse me to ruined the moment but when is the race gonna start *he crossed his arms*

Shadow:Why not now?

Shane:Ok then, on your mark. Get set. Go!!

The two run fast  they were still right beside each other then Sonic pick up the phase and now he was ahead of Shadow.

Sonic:See ya Shads! I'm going to win! *he runs off even faster*

Shadow:...... *then he smirked* not bad hedgehog *he used his shoes and skate faster and he was a little ahead of Sonic*

Sonic:!!! What the-

Shadow:Hmhp! You were saying *smirked more and skate faster*

Sonic refuse to lose so he runs even faster and now he was running right besides Shadow the finish line was up ahead and two hedgehogs runs/skate faster and then they made it to the finish line................ Together.

Sonic:Who won?

Shane:It was a tie and that means both of you are fast

Sonic:Aww oh well i guess we can both have our deals

Shadow:Ok then what do you want to do?

Sonic:U-um....*he blushed* the thing that you t-told me...

Shadow:Oh~ *smirked* you sure Lapis?

Sonic:Y-yes.... *he looks down with a huge blushed on his face*

Shadow:Hmm~ *then be picked Sonic up bridal style and kissed and licked his neck* but we can do that later when we're alone of course~ *he continues to licked his neck*

Sonic:!!! *he blushed just got worst and hide his face in Shadow's chest*

Shadow:*chuckled and continue what he was doing*

Shane:Well that's all for today guys and now you know who's faster, see ya next time bye!

Sonic:Mah~ nah~ b-bye~ *he moans a little*

Shadow:Bye~ *he smirks and continue licking his lovers neck and was still holding him bridal style*

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