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???:Oh dear what seem to be in trouble?

Sonic:Huh?! Who are you?

???: I'm T.E.C.A.I stands for 'Technology Computer Auto Intelligence'

Sonic:Oh, well I'm Sonic, sonic the hedgehog this is my friend Rouge and my boyfriend Shadow

Rouge:Hello there hun~

Shadow:Hi *crossed he's arms*

T.E.C.A.I:Well nice to meet you, any friend of Shane is a friend of mine. And it's great to finally to meet Shane's brother

Sonic:Yeah, well can you help us T.E.C.A.I

T.E.C.A.I:*looks at Shane* hmm.....sure i know what's wrong with Shane, but plz bring Shane inside the tube plz *went to a big screen and computers while a tube just like Shadow's tube in the Space colony Ark*

Sonic & Shadow:*carry's Shane inside the tube the door close then some green water rising completely drowning Shane but he was still alive then they back away from the tube*

Rouge:What are you doing?!

T.E.C.A.I:Dont worry Rouge, I'm just healing him with the tube. I just need to calculate the formula's *start tipping at the computer and the treatment, she calculates among the formula's*

Sonic:*worried's and whisper's* plz be ok Shane *he wrap he's arms around him self*

Rouge:Don't worry big blue Shane will be fine

Shadow:But.........i don't trust her we just meet her, how can we be sure we can trust her? *he looks at T.E.C.A.I with an unsure look then back to Sonic and Rouge*

Sonic:Well, we should trusted her. You heard her she's Shane fri-'BANG!!' *he was cut off by a loud bang by the door*

*Sonic Shadow & Rouge look at the direction of the loud bang by the door, they saw the others are here*

Sonic:Oh hey guys

Tails:Hey Sonic, we came here as fast as we can is Shane alright? where is he? *he was worried*

Shadow:He's fine

The other's:*the war relief especially Sunfire*

Crystal:Where's my Shaniku maybe i can make him feel better!

T.E.C.A.I:You do not need to that and it won't be necessarily Crystal*she appears in front of them*

Scourge:Um whos that?

Sonic:Guys this is T.E.C.A.I one of Shane friend also she's a hologram

T.E.C.A.I:Hello there i'm T.E.C.A.I which stands for 'Technology Computer Auto Intelligence' it's nice to meet Shane's other friends

Knuckles:Other friends what do you mean, you mean that Shane has other friends in this city?!

T.E.C.A.I:No not in Mobius in other world's

Silver:You mean like another dimension/universe?

T.E.C.A.I: Exactly he has amount of friends on deferent universe

Crystal:Ok enough of that where's my Shaniku?!!?! *she tap one of her foot and crossed her arms, cause she was being in patiently like Amy*

Shadow:He's inside of the tube, Cat!!! *he growl's from the anoyence white cat*

Crystal:I need to get him out of that tube *she runs to the tube was about to try open the tube but T.E.C.A.I appear in front of her*

T.E.C.A.I:No it won't be necessarily Shane is healing and you should not open it tube or the treatment won't apply to his body

Crystal:No! I want to my boyfriend out of that tube, NOW!!!

Sunfire:Did you listen to her you Cat! Shane is fine you idiot! *he crossed he's arms and glares at Crystal*

*Then the tube's door open and reveal a healthy blue hedgehog, everyone was shocked except T.E.C.A.I as they went to him and check and ask him if he's fine and he say he's fine*

Sonic:Shane how do you got hurt in the first place?

Shane:Well Sonic it's another story for another time, but right now we need to end the video

Sonic:Wait did anyone knew the camera was on?

The others: No!

Shane:Well then i guess i have to close it then hope you guys enjoy it plz leave a Truth, Dare, & a Question for us if i mean is all of us so don't forget ok? And leave it on the comments section and dont forget to vote it really help us, well we will see you all again soon, Bye

The other's:Bye

Scourge:Now tell us what the fuking hell happened to you?!

Shane:Not telling *crossed his arms*

Scourge:What why?!

Shane:You not the boss of me/ my mother

Scourge:Ugh, whatever *pouted and crossed his arms*

Sonic:Don't forget to vote and leave a Truth Dare & Question for us guys it's really help us thanks and bye again.

The other's:Bye

*Camera turns off*

💙Sonadow Truth or Dare and Question❤Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin