The opening

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*Camera turns on*

Sonic:Hey guys welcome to our first Truth or Dare!

Shane:Sonic i was supposed to say that *crossed he's arms* and technically it's an Sonadow Truth or Dare *whisper and smirks*

Sunfire:Hmhp well your just to slow to say it *he crossed he's arms*

Shane:Excuse me Suns you know me I'm the fastest thing a life like Sonic and the most powerfull being while you are the real faker

Sunfire:Faker, I think your the fake hedgehog around

Shadow:Hmhp and there one more Faker here *looks at Sonic*

Sonic:Faker me no Ha! Yeah sure I'm not the faker your the faker! *point's he's finger at Shadow*

Shadow:Hmhp Faker and i think your! *point's at Sonic* the fake Hedgehog around here

Sunfire:And you two compared your self's to us, Ha! You two are not....*smirks*

Shadow:Even worth to be our fakes! *smirks*

Sonic & Shane:We're gonna make you eat those words!

Rouge:Boys! Boys! Now it's not the time to fight

Tails:Yeah it Shane's time to tell the audience to tell the rules about this truth or dare *whispers* technically is Sonadow.

Shane:Right! anywho sorry for the you know that you all know that Me and Sonic are not the Faker, but anyway I'm gonna give you the rules to this Sonadow Truth or Dare

Shadow:Wait a minute what do you mean by Son-

Shane:Anyway here are the rules *pulse out a paper with the rules
and start's to read it*

1). You can Ask or Dare us anything you want in the whole world anything of you wanna give us a truth will answer and if it's a Dare we'll do it. And for questions we will answers as well.

2). Never i mean ever copy our Truth or Dare i mean never so don't you dare

3). Of you ask about Shadow and Sunfire's past plz dont go to far their will be very depressed and even me and sonic's past dont ask about our past but if you want to know then ask away

4). It's the most important rule of all make sure some of the truth or dare  related to a ship like Sonadow Shafire(Shane x Sunfire), wait what is that? Mephilver, Fleetourge,Knuckouge, and more. Ok who wrote this 4 rule anyway?

Silver:Um i think it's Rouge

Shadow:Who allowed Rouge to write the forth rule?

Sunfire:Hey this is Shane's idea maybe he allowed Rouge to do so

Shane:I didn't do it you idiot

Sunfire:Ok 1. Don't call me idiot 2. Then who?

Shadow:Maybe it's Faker *looks at Sonic*

Sonic:Seriously me Shadow it's wasn't me if it was me i will just tell you all of you?

Shadow:So you did do it?

Sonic:Oh for chaos sake NO!

Shadow:Ok ok geez you don't need to  shout *rolled he's eyes*


Scourge:Well we all know it's Rouge let's ask her then

Sonic:Hey uh Rouge did you write the fourth rule?

Rouge:Why yes i did big blue~

Mephiles:Why? Why did you do it?

Rouge:Well hun it's was Cream who wanted it~

Everyone but Rouge and Cream:CREAM!!!!

Cream:Yeah I did i ask Miss Rouge to write the fourth rule *smiles cutely*

Knuckles:Um why? Why do you want that?

Cream:Well Miss Rouge just told me who has a crush on who so i just ask her to make the forth rule so their love one will be with them

The others except for Cream Rouge Amy and Crystal:* blushes a little and some of them gulped*

Amy:*gasp* that means i get a chance  with My Sonikku *whisper to her self*

Shadow:*groans and whisper* I knew Rouge will do this as long is not me doing something stupid or do something that with someone *mumbles about something that made him blush a little*

Sunfire:I have a bad feeling about this *sighed*

Crystal:So i gotta chance with My wonderfull Shane ku *whisper to her self*

Tails:Well uh i guess we got this   settle this

Knuckles:Yeah who knew that Cream wanted this

Fleetway:Wait cream ask Rouge to write the fourth rule that she wanted?

Scourge:Grrr yes you dumb head *growl's*

Sonic:Well i guess we're done Shane the end of the intro *put he's arms on he's hips*

Shane:Yeah well anyway plz leave a Truth or Dare in the comments section and a vote as well and make sure that, Ugh i don't want to say it.

Rouge:Well then let me finish it of for you big blue~ *giggles* and make sure the Truth or Dare that you given to us~ is related to a Couple like in the rules and of course~ you can ask us or Truth or Dare us anytime.

Shane:Yeah so we can suffer! *smirk* even Shadow and Sunfire *smirk while looking at them*

Sonic:Yeah so plz make some Dare's or Truth or Ask them too and us as well

Shadow:I'm starting to regret this decision *sighed, close he's eyes and shoke he's head*

Sunfire:Your not the only one *rolled he's eyes*

Shane:We'll see all of the on the next bye,

The others:Bye

*Turns off the Camera*

💙Sonadow Truth or Dare and Question❤Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon