love isn't real... or is it? (part 4)

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TW: mention of d€pression and anxi€ty!

"𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘,
𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒐."

-𝒀𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒘, 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒅𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒚

𝓣he rain was hitting your window harshly, like it was trying to break into your room. it was 4 p.m. but the sky was darker the midnight sky. it was like the weather was having a war with the mother of nature out there. the wind was blowing crazy like the it was trying to get the trees out of the ground. the rain was pouring and once in a while you could see the lightning between the inky clouds.

but in the opposite side, your room looked like the most quietest place in the world. you were sitting infront of the tall window in your room, your back pressed against the side of you bed. you could feel the hardwood on your skin that was only covered by a thin shirt and a cosy cardigan. your lifeless e/c eyes were locked on the window. you watched how the raindropes would hit the window and how it would slide down the window, making shaky lines. you found an odd similarity between the shaky lines that raindrops drew on your window and the tears that covered your face in the past two weeks.

you shifted a bit and wrapped the cardigan tightly around your body. your tears were dried out from all those crying from past two weeks. you really wanted to stop crying. you hated the headaches and soreness in your eyes after bawling your eyes out but god... you wish you just could cry now. the heavy feeling on your chest was killing you and you wanted to let it all those emotions but there was nothing to come out of you eyes.

last two weeks... was a nightmare. it was filled with crying, screaming out of frustration, sitting in the corner of your room and hugging you knees. it was filled with mixed emotiones; sadness, anger, guilt, overthink and heartbreak. you were back to the dark deep hole again but this time it was worse. it was like Harry helped you to dug the hole deeper while telling you everything will be okay and then suddenly push you in it and leave.

oh yes... leaving. he left France and went back to London. without a goodbye... without any word.

after that misrebale day that your lovely boyfriend said there were nothing between y'all, you just stayed in your room for two days until on third day while you were wrapped around your blanket, bowling your eyes out, something took your attention. you saw Mr. Harry Potter or we better say Mr. Perfectly fine leaving the manor with his suitcase.

did it made you cry harder? absolutely.

now you were left in this haunted house from the ghost of the memories that you and your ex-lover shared here. going to Yellow House now was like hell. whenever you turned around you could remember your memories with Harry. it was like every object was screaming his name, screaming his flattery, his compliments, his nicknames for you.

"this is amazing, y/n."

"you really should write a book."

"nothing, you're just so beautiful."

"just wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend."

"you're safe with me."

"I don't let him to do anything to you."

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