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Parents are busy with official business. Even if they come to the parent meeting in their busy schedule, it does not mean they will stay in school for a long time. Seeing that the biggest problem has been solved, several parents have already picked up their bags and talked to the teacher in advance. After leaving, someone took the lead, and soon someone would follow suit. Not long after, there were only two or three people left in the entire conference room.

Jiang Jinjin, Zhou Mingfeng and another parent.

Seeing that the two of them were not in a position to get up, the parent thought that the couple was going to talk about housework, so he hurriedly got up and picked up the briefcase. He smiled at Zhou Mingfeng and said, "Mr. Zhou, I will also go first. A few days are our company's annual meeting. If you go there, you can say hello to me in advance and I will let the secretary arrange it."

Zhou Mingfeng also stood up and shook his hand with the man, with a modest attitude: "It is still not sure if there will be time to join in. If there is no time, I will let the assistant pass."

The man was satisfied and smiled openly: "Mr. Zhou, you are too polite."

Jiang Jinjin watched this scene with his cheek in one hand.

In fact, in the whole novel, what kind of person Zhou Mingfeng is, it seems that the author did not know clearly. His appearance, his role, is just to give a reasonable explanation for the male protagonist's character, that is, the influence brought by the original family. .

Zhou Mingfeng is very busy, busy expanding his career, busy becoming the richest man, so he rarely has time to spend time with his son.

If it was Jiang Jinjin in his teens, he would understand the male protagonist very well, and would spurn Zhou Mingfeng regardless of the priority, and would not regard his son's affairs as the most important thing in life... But after a few years as a social animal, Jiang Jinjin will no longer Recalling my senior colleagues, who is not Zhou Mingfeng?

The work from 9 to 6 can be regarded as regular. When the project is urgent, it is common to work overtime until 12 o'clock.

Nowadays, jobs of this intensity are common in society. Unless you don't want to earn money, you don't want to earn money. How to repay the mortgage, how to repay the car loan, where does the money for the children's cram school come from? Even if adults are alive, they can breathe as soon as they open their eyes. It is for money, so no matter how many complaints about the job, who would dare to quit the job if he was burdened with his family?

Besides Zhou Mingfeng, he is definitely not short of money now, but such a large group does not know how many projects are in operation every day, and these capital chains are even more uninterrupted. No matter what, someone has to call the shots. This person is Zhou Mingfeng. If he is slack, if he feels that he has made enough money, which one of his group's employees, partners, and shareholders can agree?

You can't just quit your job if you want to. Similarly, the boss doesn't want to be wrong.

After Jiang Jinjin reacted, she and Zhou Mingfeng were the only ones left in the conference room.

She cheered up.

I thought Zhou Mingfeng was definitely going to test her, but the other side just glanced at her lightly and said, "Go back."

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