What's that thing?

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As you woke up, Venti was already missing from the bed. You dismissed this as Venti could handle himself in a battle. You on the other hand, can't.

You smelt the scent of pancakes downstairs, so you thought it was best to make your way downstairs. You saw Venti there, setting up pancakes onto each plate, there were only two because you and Venti only lived in the house. You sat down as you waited for Venti to get everything else done. Then after Venti took his first bite, you began to eat. You only managed to eat 2 pancakes before your throat felt dry, and you couldn't eat anymore. You drank all the milk from your glass at least. "What's wrong Y/n? Already full?" Venti asked you as he was on his 5th pancake. "Yeah I'm sorry I couldn't eat anymore." You told Venti. You stood up from your seat and grabbed the plate, fork, and cup that you used and began to clean them on the sink. "It's okay Y/n, I'm just worried if anything is going on with you. Your acting strange.." Venti told you. "I apologize Venti, I'm just feeling out of it today." You told him. You finished washing your dishes, as you waited for Venti to finish eating, you grabbed everything he used to eat and began washing his dishes. You finished washing the dishes before following Venti to the front door.

Venti began to put on his shoes, so you followed his actions and did the same thing. "Let's go exploring for a little okay?" Venti asked you. You nodded your head and the both of you walked out the Mondstat city gates and into the wild.

Venti spotted something small, and blue. He ran over to the thing as it was laying on the ground, making nosies as of it were in pain. You do your best to speed walk over to where Venti was. "What's that?" You asked Venti. "I don't know. I'm pretty sure it's not dangerous though. Let's take it back." Venti told you as his picked up the creature and held it close to him. You nodded and followed behind Venti.

As the both of you arrived inside Venti's house, he went upstairs and laid the creature on his bed. Putting his guard up if anything were to injure him. You followed him up the stairs, but your enegy depleted almost instantly so you laid there on the stairs, trying to regain your energy. As you finally regained your energy, you walked up the stairs and into Venti's room, where he was still staring at the creature who was now sleeping. "It took you a while to get up here. Something the matter?" Venti asked as he noticed you came upstairs. "Nothing, I'm just tired.." You said as you walked over to him, and sat next to him on the bed. You make sure you didn't sit on the sleeping creature.

The creature woke up and gushed wind out at you and Venti, but it stopped as it saw no threat in the both of you. The creature looked at Venti, it didn't make a reaction. Then the creature looked over at you, it make noises as it started to fly closer to you. "H-Huh?" You stuttered out as the creature came to your cheek. "I guess it likes you hehe." Venti said as he slightly giggled. You smiled back at him, then caressed the create in your hands. The creature laid in your hands, blowing a slight breeze on you. It made your h/c flow slightly. Venti stared at you in awe. He was awestruck by your beauty, and by how you calmed the creature a lot. The creature flew out of your hands and sat on Venti's shoulders. Venti giggled as he nudged the creature with his cheek. You smiled at him and let out a little giggle.

The creature made even more noises. You smiled at it and started to pet it. The creature seemed to like that. "What should we call it?" Venti asked you. "I don't know, let's make sure it has a name first." You told Venti. "Hey hey, Creature, can you understand what we're saying?" Venti asked the creature, setting it down Infront of the both of you. The creature made little noises and nodded it's small body. You smiled at this action that the creature did. "Do you have a name?" Venti then asked. The creature made a pose like it was thinking, and then shook it's body as a no. "How about we give you name?" Venti asked the creature. The creature nodded its body, approving of the idea. "How about spot?" Venti asked. The creature shook it's body. "Okay then, how about Blue?" Venti asked again. It shook it's body no again. "Uhh, Windy?" Venti asked it yet again. The creature made a thinking pose again, and then nodded its body as a yes. "Okay then, hi windy!" You exclaimed. The creature made noises and twirled around in the air before flying over to lay in your hands again.

"I think it's tired, let's let it sleep." You said to Venti as you looked down at the creature. Venti only smiled at you as he crawled over to you, and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "H-Huhh?" You stuttered out, you face as red as a tomato. Venti smiled at you as he turned away and began to blush too. You only knew he was blushing because his ear were red. You giggled lightly as his flushed ears. "Venti, why did you kiss my cheek?" You asked Venti after calming down. "You looked happy and cute and I wanted to..", Venti told you truthfully. You smiled at him and you leaned over to him, kissing his cheek this time. Venti's face was as red as a tomato now. You smiled at him before setting the creature down at the end of the bed. "Wh- Why did you kiss my cheek this time?" Venti asked you. You smiled at him. "Because you were cute." You told him. He flushed up again and then turned away. You giggled again. Then looked out the window. "It's beginning to get dark. Let's head to sleep Venti." You told the bard. He hummed as he went under the covers and close his eyes tightly. You got under the covers too, pulling the covers over you. A smile crept up your face as you scooted your way to Venti and hugged his back again, cuddling him this time. Venti stiffened before calming back down.

"Good night Y/n.." Venti told you as he was drifting off to sleep. "Goodnight, Venti, good night Windy." You said to both Venti, whom you were hugging, and the creature at the end of your bed, who made a noise after hearing it's name. You closed your eyes and then fell into a dark abyss. Indicating that you were now sleeping.

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