Maisie pulled into the parking lot of her apartment complex, having just got off work. She pushed her hair from her eyes with a deep sigh, feeling the slight exhaustion from the day. Shaking it off, she stood from her car and quickly made her way to her door.

"Hi baby!" she said to Claude as he came running up to her.

He rubbed his face into her hands, purring.

"I have someone for you to meet." she cooed.

He looked up at her and blinked. "Meow."

"You'll like him. He's sweet and really smart, and he's really excited to see you." she smiled softly, before repeating herself. "You'll like him."

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door. Claude scampered away as Maisie stood from her spot on the floor. She quickly opened the door, smiling at who was on the other side.

"Hi Mai." he grinned.

"Hey Techno!" she ushered him inside, pulling him into a small hug.

She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gave him a good squeeze, causing him to squeeze back a little harder before releasing her.

"Where's Claude?" he asked, looking around.

"Is that all you came here for?" she questioned sarcastically.

He jokingly avoided her gaze. "...No."

She laughed before leading him behind the couch, where Claude sat quietly. He gasped and plopped down on the floor, welcoming the cat into his lap. Claude began to purr as Technoblade scratched the side of his cheek.

"I love this so much." he said, eyes locked on the cat in his lap.

"He likes you." she chuckled, sitting down next to them.

Technoblade just smiled. Maisie felt herself grin wider at that.

"Oh by the way," Technoblade started, snapping Maisie out of her trance. "I have to pick something up later. Do you wanna come with?"

"Yeah sure!" she nodded. "What is it?"

"It's this weird thing that I got imported from England. I have to pick it up from the post office."

"Oh I see. Do you know what time you want to get it?"

"Maybe around five-thirty or six if that works with you?" he asked, looking over at her.

"Yeah that's good."

"Okay," he smiled. "what do we do until then?"

'Well it's three o'clock right now, so we have about two and a half hours to kill. We can just watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah that's good." he nodded, leading the way to the couch again.

"Okay. By the way, where was Floof?" she asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, when I was over at your house I didn't see your dog, Floof. I was just wondering where he was." she explained quietly.

"Oh! He was just at my dad's house since I was gonna be gone all day. He's home now though, I'll take you to meet him soon." Technoblade said as they sat down.

"Alright. What movie are we watching?" Maisie asked, pulling up Netflix.

"Let's watch The Guilty." he suggested.

"No that has Jake Gyllenhaal in it." she said.

"Ugh, true. He's gross." Technoblade scoffed in disgust.

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