Chapter 1: Page 6-10: Mysterious Dragon Found

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Quick A/N: I have been excited for these pages to be released, I've been working at school, sometimes at home, it's good to have these pages released so I can work on Page 11-15, my sis picked the song based off of Page 8 (I showed her pages 8-10 and she picked a song for one of them which was Page 8) Enjoy! HybridDarkLova574

Page 6

River's pov
After I saw 2 dragons I watched them for a bit then dove back down into the Desert of Shadows, I learned how to tell Dragon Genders and Breeds from afar, one was a Golden Dragon the other was a... NightLight WaterFury!? The Golden Dragon was a male and the NightLight WaterFury was a female, I was thinking about them ALL day and night... I wanted to see them again but I was too far away for them to walk and if they flew it would MOST likely take a while since of the rain that pounded down in the forest they lived in and the fact thunder struck EVERY minute where they were, I curled up and rested in my make-shift nest, I had added some more dried up bush parts but that's about it... "Who were they... I'm more curious about the female NightLight WaterFury, she seemed... cute..." I snapped my head out of my thoughts 'NO River! She's probably already taken!' My mind wandered back into the love mode 'I mean, who WOULDN'T take her? The way her aqua blue eyes glew in both the sunlight and the moonlight...' I shook my head "Stop it River! JST think about something else!" soon enough, my mind wandered to thinking about her again and I JST let it... NOT like I could stop it...

Page 7

Aqua's pov
We looked towards the others, shock in their eyes "T--That's impossible tho! The war was said to wipe out EVERY last NightLight Water Fury, Elemental Fury, and Golden Dragon! Aqua, Zye, and Gold are lucky cases!" Leaf stammered the first word as though it was a door handle and she was trying to shake the door open, Me and Gold sat down, I explained "It may seem impossible but it AIN'T they looked like me, same black and white..." I paused for a moment "But from what I could see, they had a medium shade of blue eyes and patterns instead of my aqua blue right eye and patterns, and my blood red left eye" Gold nodded "Aqua is right, there is NO doubt, they are a NightLight Water Fury" Zye looked at us, half-way like we lost our minds and half-way like she believed us "Are you sure you DIDN'T JST spend too much time away from water and started seeing things sis?" Both me and Gold nodded in response "I'm sure, Gold saw it too, right Gold?" Gold nodded quickly "I did, I did" Will folded his wings to his side "Well then, mind telling us more?"

Page 8

River's pov
I climbed onto a dead carcass, lifting it up off the ground and throwing it as far as I could away from me, it had the sickness, the sickness that I've tried SO, SO MANY times to cure but I ALWAYS fail. 'Why must it be SO hard?', 'Why must it be this way?' I thought to myself as I washed my talons in the small stream we had, I NEVER dared to drink out of it, from what I heard MANY dragons used it to wash the sickness off their hands, it was probably filled with diseases yet I still wash my talons in it, I went back to thinking about the Golden Dragon and NightLight Water Fury, I COULDN'T get them out of my mind ALL night, I could ONLY think of them, ONLY being distracted by the fact that I may get the disease if I continue eating sickly prey but it's ALL I got...

Page 9

Will's pov
I craned my head to look at the others, waiting for Aqua and Gold to explain, we wanted- no, we NEEDED an explanation, Aqua laid her talons on Gold's snout when he began to speak "Well like I said, they had medium blue eyes and patterns, they were black, dark-blue, and white, we COULDN'T tell their gender from this far away though..." She paused, I turned to the others then back to them, I was getting tired, probably due to my narcolepsy... I tiredly leaned against Blue "Hey! Don't fall asleep on us!" He roared, pushing me off him with his wing, I got back up "Well then lets fly to where you saw them!" I heard Leaf excitedly said "You sure about that Leaf?" I interrupted Aqua when she got ready to speak "Will!" She leaped up "I was about to talk!" I smiled a bit "Then say what you wanted to say" Aqua sighed once again "I agree with Leaf on this, we should go find them"

Page 10

River's Pov
I climbed over a cactus, slithering down it to the other side, I moved, once again to behind two cactuses, it was wiser to climb over them than go through them, ofc it was though, going through them, I had a chance of getting stuck and bleeding out, going over meant getting slightly pricked if I wasn't careful but it was better than getting stuck and dying, suddenly I saw dragons flying towards me, quickly, I scrambled backwards, remembering the route I took to get over it, I went back to my nest, sitting down, the dragons landed a few miles infront of my home, they ran forward, one of them flew, the NightLight Water Fury I saw, she flew quickly, getting stuck between the cacti, I shook my head "Need some help there?" I asked her causing her to shake her head "No, I can do it" Suddenly a voice yowled "AQUA!" A NightLight Elemental Fury, the Golden Dragon, 2 Hideous ZippleBacks, and a deadly nadder ran up behind her "You srlsy got stuck!?" The voice screamed again, I saw it was the NightLight Elemental Fury "Yea! But guess who I found!?" She yowled, a smile forming on her face, I smiled back at her "I found the Mysterious Dragon!" She called again, this time to all of them, I was who they were looking for?! I couldn't believe my ears or eyes for that matter, another NightLight Water Fury, a NightLight Elemental, and a Golden Dragon, what were the chances!?

River's Sight: Book 1: The Desert of ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now