Chapter 1: Page 1-5: Hidden

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A/N: I am publishing this shortly before school starts after Fall Break, oof

Page 1

River's pov
I stalked a sickly prey, hiding my wings close to my sides, I crouched behind a cactus, looking up at it, the catcus was 2x my size 'maybe, if I just...' I thought as I began to climb up the cactus being careful to only get a few cactus needles stuck in me, I cauctiously stood on top of the cactus, I looked down at the prey I was stalking, I lifted up my wings and my patterns shone in the blinding light of the shadows, people think the Desert of Shadows is cool and not that hot but boy were they wrong, it was the hottest and biggest desert in the ENTIRE world, both Hidden World and the world above, NO other desert could compare... My patterns blinded the prey for just enough time for me to leap down and pounce, with a few needles in me I managed to kill the sickly prey, I picked it up by it's scruff and left, I flew back home to my makeshift nest, honestly it was just some dried up bushes and sand scattered here and there with a few dead leaves and leaves that were starting to die, I quickly ate my prey, what could've caused the sickness going around? Who was responsible for ALL this suffering? Who's or What's making prey and predator disappear at an alarming rate? I hope I soon get my answer...

Page 2 (NightStar Diamond will get her own book but I wanna do a quick pov for her and her mate and how they're doing after the war)

NightStar Diamond's pov
Me and my mate flew away from the war, we knew that there would probably be little to zero survivors, the war was finally over yet it was met with a violent end, an end that was both unwanted and unexpected. Everyone thought that when the war ended we'd still have some dragons but it was clear- the war had been going on for years, it would be a miracle if there was someone left... As a waterfury... I'm confused... Why were NightLight Elemental Furies and Golden Dragons even at war? Was there RLLY ANY survivors? The chance was slim "Lets rest here" We landed in a hidden cave, unknown to who it really belonged to... Someone that would become our friend... or enemy...

Page 3

River's pov
I finished a quick hunting trip and flew back home, I landed on the soft sand, squeezing it under my talons, it was hot but NOTHING I WASN'T used to. My claws settled onto the hot sand, it felt natural to me, SO natural- I forgot it was even hot in the span of a few minutes, I made my way to my makeshift nest, settling my wings against my sides, threatening to lift me up off the sand and fly me far far away from here but my talons kept me inbedded onto the sand as I laid the prey I caught down. I silently asked myself "When is this going to change...?" when was it gonna change? Was I JST stuck here FOREVER, till the day I die? Which might be soon... I'm NOT sure... I want to leave but know that it might be risky to leave... what did that dragon mean by You'll pay for this? am I in danger? is someone following me, watching me? I'm scared but- I have to stay strong... why WON'T this feeling go away? Suddenly, a memory danced in my head... a prophecy... "A desert hidden in shadows shall be found, wait for the day that the chosen come and free those of this land from this raging heat..." could there RLLY be someone coming to free the land of this raging heat? was it worth to keep waiting? It must be...

Page 4, with the others

Aqua's pov
I gave a long, bored sigh, it was clear, I was FOREVER alone... Will had Leaf... Gal had BlueBerry... meanwhile, Gold and me are alone... I looked towards Gold as he frantically rolled a scroll in his talons, his golden ember eyes shone brightly in the sunlight, his color was almost blinding to me but it had a slight dark hue which helped, to me he looked like a powder white but he was golden with light golden patterns, looking at him felt... unnatural... he turned to me "Yes, Aqua?" I folded my wings against my side, making my way towards him "Gold, do you EVER have... strange feelings?" He tilted his head at me "What do you mean by that?" I sighed, ruffling my wings so they streched out, the lights of the hidden world lighting up my patterns, my wings catching the lights at EVERY angle "Come with me..." I shifted my wings, lifting off the ground, and took off, I was flying fast but Gold was jst barely keeping up, hours later I flew back to slow myself down, startling Gold as he, in a panic, made an abrupt stop, our wings were shifted and met eachother as we flapped them back and forth, the sound of heavy wingbeats was the ONLY thing in the silent air.

Page 5

Gold's pov
Me and Aqua came to a stop, our wings met eachother as they flapped back and forth though we remained still, my talons hovering above her back "Why did we stop?" Aqua gave a slight roar, pointing towards the Desert of Shadows, the HOTTEST desert in the Dragon World, it was normally filled with shadows but Aqua pointed to the air in that direction and there be it, a dragon hovered over the ground, looking directly in our direction, from here it looked like a NightLight WaterFury like Aqua but it COULDN'T be... Could it? The Mysterious Dragon dove down into the Desert of Shadows, instantly disappearing into the shadows of the hot desert "Who was that?" Aqua roared, I flew next to her, blocking her with my wing so she DIDN'T try to fly away to go see who the Mysterious Dragon was "I'm NOT sure but we should tell the others..." I whipped around and started to fly back, Aqua soon caught up to me, giving a slight nod "Yea, we should tell them..." We flew down infront of Galaxzye, Will, Leaf, and Blue, they turned to us "Aqua? Gold? What's going on?" Zye asked us, Aqua answered her question "We saw a dragon... it looked like another NightLight WaterFury..." Their eyes widened "A WHAT!?"

River's Sight: Book 1: The Desert of ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora