Part 2: A Fatal Encounter

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Avery's P.O.V-
I had finished helping my mom unload the car and went to lay down. I fell asleep for a good bit. After a while it felt like someone was watching me. I turned over and saw a guy about my age at the open window. I bolted straight up in bed. The guy held a finger to his lips. "Sorry, it's just, this used to be my room, I left something here and came to get it. I didn't realize the house had been sold already." I stared at him and said back "Fine, you can get what you came for. But then please leave the way you came." The guy nodded at me and went to the closet. He opened it and pulled out an old looking box from the back of the closet shelf. He put it in his pocket and smiled at me as he left through the window closing it as he departed. I shook my head and laid back down assuming I had just had a very realistic dream. I rolled over and closed my eyes falling back asleep.
A young man looked up at the window smiling, he had finnaly found a wearer who could free him. He took out an identacal match to the necklace the other teen wore and placed it around his own neck before dissapering into the night.

My Boyfriend is a Ghost Traped in a Necklace.Where stories live. Discover now