03."Now she's got me hooked on her like good cocaine."

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03."Started with a bottle of cheap champagne, now she's got me hooked on her like good cocaine."


Song For The Chapter:

That Girl by All Time Low

"Started with a bottle of cheap champagne, now she's got me hooked on her like good cocaine."


"Where the hell is my coffee?" Alex asked when he noticed Austin walk in without the Starbucks he'd been promised.

Austin simply ignored him and walked right into the living room and sat down. Alex walked out of the kitchen and joined Austin on the couch. He noticed that Austin stared at the television but didn't seem to pay attention to what was on the screen. Austin stared at the television for about ten minutes until Alex began to actually worry and asked him what was going on.

"I don't know." Austin mumbled when he was asked if he was okay.

Was he really okay? Austin didn't really know. He'd bumped into the laundromat girl again, although this time he knew her name, and he loved it. It was short and he wondered if Jesse was only a nickname. He'd been thinking about her a lot without meaning to do so, but he didn't really mind. Sure she was rude, but she was also really pretty and Andy had told him that she was actually a really laid back person.

"What do you mean, 'you don't know'?" Alex asked and turned off the TV to have Austin's full attention.

"I just - I don't know." Austin shrugged and propped his feet up on the coffee table.

"What happened while you were out? And what happened to my coffee?"

"Remember laundromat girl?" Alex nodded, Austin had already told him the story and their encounters earlier the same week. "I bumped into her today again and dropped my coffee and yours on her-"


"Yes, again, shut up. And she's so was cool with it and didn't yell at me and, fuck, she's so pretty and." Austin didn't finish his sentence so he just sighed and slumped on the couch.

"Aw, Austin has a crush." Alex got up off the couch and walked back into the kitchen. "Just ask her on a date."

Austin groaned and rolled off the couch and hid his face in the carpet. He spoke but it was too muffled for Alex to understand.


Austin picked his head up and messed with the carpet. "I said, it's not that easy."

"Why not?" Alex didn't really understand what Austin was trying to tell him.

"I think she likes Andy, that guy in one of my music classes." Austin grumbled before finally getting up again.

"So?" Alex didn't see the what the big deal was, and thought his friend should just ask the girl out.

"So? So?" Austin repeated. "It's not that easy, I think she hates me or something." He laid on the couch and turned the TV back on again and flipped through every channel.

"Just casually ask her out or something, I don't know." Alex sat on the recliner and watched TV with him.

It was silent until Austin decided to speak again.

"You know, she seems like a really cool person," Alex recognized the tone of voice and sighed. He knew Austin was about to rant a little, but he didn't really mind. "She has really long brown hair and her name's Jesse. I think she's yelled at me more than she's actually spoken to me and I don't really care. I also feel really bad because I really like Sierra too, but Jesse seems really cool and she's really pretty, and she wears this black nail polish that isn't even sparkly, it's just black-"

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