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hello summertime | sungtaro

side ships that'll appear a lot include (this can change): renhyuck, tenkun, nomin, jaeyong, johnil, yuwin

trigger warnings will appear at the beginning of the chapter if there are any!

reminder that not all nct members will be appearing. there will be some reccuring character bust most of them wont be that  important. updates will be inconsistent and chapter length will depend on my mood <3

i hope you enjoy!

important note 08 / 09 / 2022 : the first few chapters chapter 1 to half of chapter 4 was written before lucas' scandal. i made the decision to limit how much hes going to appear in the book instead of taking him out entirely. if you're uncomfortable with him being here, i completely understand but i suggest to drop this book since someday wayv will have their own chapters with their individual arcs and chapters. but if you're okay ignoring him, that's fine too. i want to say that if the scandal is true that i wont be supporting him anymore and this book might under go heavy, heavy editing. but until that time comes, im completely neutral about the situation until sm or lucas himself makes a statement.

ACTUALLY IMPORTANT NOTE 02 / 20 / 2023 : dudeeeeeessssss i rewrote the whole thing. if ure here during rewriting era congrats if ure here afterwards still congrats because you werent here for the fuckload which was my mental state deteriorating because of lucas scandal. while rewriting suddenly sme and hybe have a thing---honestly now i just dont give a fuck LMAOOO anyway i hope you still enjoy hello summertime my blood sweat and tears went into this

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