"I feel horrible to say this, but that made no sense," I frowned at Ashton.

"I know," Ashton sighed, and he pulled me into a hug. "If we weren't famous, everything would be a lot less complicated right now."

"I know," The hug was long, but needed. It was so comforting to hold someone at this time.

"Can I tell you something?" Ashton asked me.

"Depends," I responded.

"It might change your opinions on Luke, so I wouldn't bring it up to him. Okay?" Ashton pulled away from the hug so he could look at me.

"Okay?" I responded uncertainly.

"Well you know that Luke's liked you since forever now, right?" Ashton spoke softly so Luke couldn't hear. "He was desperate to spend time with you after you reunited. You know that when you woke up with amnesia, you'd been asleep for six months? We thought you were dead. When we learned you were back, he thought you could restart. As soon as you and Angel left the tour bus, he called over Paul and he told him about it. He told him to get you to date Luke. He set himself up with you, and made it seem like it was managements idea. Little did he know, you'd remember almost everything within the same night. That's the only reason he felt guilt."

It was an understatement to say that I was shocked. Luke had lied to me when he had said he had nothing to do with it. He was the reason that I was being forced to date him. It's disgusting.

"What are you thinking right now?" Ashton asked me, his face almost in a grimace.

"I'm disgusted with him right now, to be honest," I took a sip of my coffee.

"I didn't mean to ruin anything between the two of you, you just deserved to know the truth. You know what I'm saying?" Ashton searched my eyes. "I don't want Luke to be mad at me."

"I mean, it definitely alters the way I look at this 'relationship' we have going on," I frowned.

"I understand what you're saying," Ashton nodded.

"I'll probably try to distance myself a bit from him," I informed Ashton.

"Don't be too obvious about it though, and if he asks, just say you can't deny what your heart says," Ashton suggested.

"You are like Shakespeare in the mornings," I laughed at him.

Suddenly, Luke made his way slowly into the kitchen area. Ashton and I immediately fell into an awkward silence.

Luke fidgeted with the coffee machine until he managed to get a vanilla coffee to fall into his penguin shaped coffee mug. He came and sat on the stool that was next to me, but away from Ashton. His face was still a little red, and I couldn't tell if his eyes were red because he was crying over what Ashton said, or the bruise that was now noticeable on his forehead. I noticed, to my dismay and probably Luke's as well, that I leaned slightly away from him when he sat down next to me.

"What happened?" Ashton sounded genuinely concerned at the bruise forming on his forehead.

"Banged my head on the bunk above Jaylene's," Luke cringed.

"Does it hurt?" Ash questioned. "I can get the ice."

"What do you think you prick?" Luke lashed out at Ashton. I shifted uneasily at his sudden outburst, and Luke's eyes widened in realization. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.... I'm sorry."

"I'm just gonna go.... Yeah," I pushed my stool back with a painful screeching sound from the tile and the metal on the chair.

"Jaylene, don't walk away. I'm sorry. It's been a rough start," Luke turned to face me.

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