The Story of Marzia

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Bart and Kelly frowned to each other as they checked on the wards placed around the Light’s house. They watched the six new teens walk into the house and sigh. “We can’t cause any suspicion but they need to train.” Kelly fixed her frown back the wards as Bart sighed “I know. But we can’t just take them off to train when their guests just got there. We just have to postpone training until tomorrow.” Kelly’s frown deepened “But they’ll be sore and tired at school the next day!” Bart shrugged “There’s nothing else we can do. Unless you want to seem suspicious?” Kelly huffed “Fine..But I’m not working them as hard. They aren’t gonna be tired and sore tomorrow.” Bart nodded “Alright, but understand the war is getting closer and Hades is getting stronger while we just sit here.” Kelly’s frown deepened more before she sighed “I guess we have no choice do we, Bart?” Bart shook his head, sending her a sad smile. “Alright. Training tomorrow then.” Bart wrapped an arm around her waist and she leaned her head on his shoulder. They were silent as they watched over the wards in their position until Kelly broke the silence. “Bart?” Bart looked down at her “Hm?” Kelly kept looking forward as she said quietly “Do- Do you ever wish you could go back to when we didn’t know about..any of this..?” Bart blinked, clearly surprised before he said just as quietly “…No.” She looked up at him incredulously “No? But- But why?” Bart felt his lips tug upward slightly as he simply said “I wouldn’t have met you.” She looked back at him with wide eyes before her shock slowly melted into a soft smile. His smile widened at the sight and he wrapped his other arm around her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck, their foreheads touching. “I’m glad I met you Bart.” Bart’s smile widened more “I’m glad I met you too, Kelly.” With that the few centimeters left between their lips were closed and they met in a sweet and slow kiss.


“Marzia? Are you gonna tell me what happened?” Marzia looked up from her scale-y tail to look at the boy sitting across from her and sighed once before she started to speak, her accent growing a little thicker in this form “I’ve- I’ve had these…fits…for as long as I can remember..I understood at a young age that this wasn’t normal so..I hide it from everyone..even my family. The first time I remember this happening in was when I was 4 or 5. I was in school, around lunchtime, when my legs started to hurt. I ran home with the excuse that I had left my lunch at my house. I was lucky my parents trusted me with a house key so I let myself in the house. My parents were at work so I was alone in the house when my shoulders started to hurt as well. Then the pain became so unbearable but I knew I had to see what was happening to me. I knew it wasn’t normal when my legs suddenly melted together and started to form a tail. Then it felt like little needles were stabbing me in my shoulders and tail and that was my scales covering my shoulders and tail. It..was a hard thing to hide, with it being so random at first but around the age of 15 they stopped being random and only came two or three times a month. That’s when everything was much easier to hide, though I lost a lot of friends because I became the girl at the back of the classroom that never said anything to anyone and nobody noticed me. I was content really, I had no one to scare off so I looked at it as I was p-protecting everyone because I- I’m not normal, Toby. I’ll never be..” Marzia finished her story and looked down, eyes welling up with tears and mostly expecting Toby to run from the house and never speak to her again but what he did next surprised her greatly. Warmth, surrounded her small form and she blinked, the tears falling as she asked timidly “T-toby?” Toby squeezed her tightly “Marzia, no matter how your appearance are normal. You are like everyone else but you have a gift. You just don’t know why you have it and what you’re supposed to do with it yet. One day it’ll come to you, Marzia. I’m right here for you okay? You’re my best friend and I would never leave you alone just because your legs can turn into a tail.” Marzia felt more tears well up in her eyes as she smiled widely laughing once than twice as she returned Toby’s hug, whispering “T-thank you, Toby..” Toby smiled and pulled back from the hug briefly to kiss her on the forehead. “It’s really no problem, Marzia. You’re like family now. My little sister. I got your back whenever you need me.” Marzia smiled and nodded, finally releasing each other from their hug as Marzia wiped the tears from her eyes. After another moment of comfortable silence, Toby took a deep breath and said “Marzia, I have to tell you something..”


Snake sighed as he leaned heavily onto the railings of a bridge close to his home. He frowned as he stared into the water, sitting still and reflecting the just rising moon. It was silent and Snake found himself calming down from his previous training. The silence was broken when a yell of "Snake!" caused him to sigh and turn his head slightly, letting out a deep “What?" Before his eyes landed on the person who had called him and he raised a brow "Wait..Red?” Red smiled wide as she strolled over and leaned on the railing next to Snake. “Yeah. Hey bud.” Snake blinked before shaking his head, a small smile on his face. “Hey Red.” There was a long silence between the two before Snake sneaked a look at Red and found she was staring at him. “What?” Red raised a brow “You’ve gotten bigger..” Snake faked an offended look “What’s that supposed to mean? Are you saying I’m fat?” Red laughed lightly “No, no! That’s not what I meant. You just got bigger muscles since I last saw you. You been working out?” Snake shrugged “Something like that.” “Hmm. Yeah okay.” Snake shook his head again, small smile still on his face.

Another long silence stretched on between the two and Snake felt the question he wanted to ask eat away at him but he didn’t want to upset his friend. Though soon enough, his curiosity got the better of him and the words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them. “So uh- Have you heard from Jund?” Red immediately frowned “..Not since he left for Zeus..I- He told me he’d be okay but I’m still worried, y’know?” Snake nodded and small frown replacing the smile he wore. “Yeah. I’m sure he got to Zeus without any troubles. Zeus just might be telling a plan or something.” Red seemed to perk up a little at that “Yeah. I really shouldn’t worry but I can’t help it y'know? Russ and Cry are already under that maniac’s control and I can’t even do anything about it..Bart and Kelly have been training me but I’m nowhere near as strong anyone in the group.” Snake ruffled her hair briefly, small smile back in place “You’ll get stronger. Everyone has to start somewhere right? So stop moping around. Everything is going to be fine.” Red huffed as she tried to fix her hair, though she couldn’t stop the little smile that made its way onto her face. “Yeah, yeah, I know you dick.”

They fell into silence once again before Red looked up to sky and sighed “I guess I’ll be going. I have training in the morning.” Snake looked back at her and nodded “Alright. I should be heading to bed too. I have to head to the gym in the morning.”  Red raised a brow “So you have been working out.” Snake rolled his eyes, smile tugging at his lips. “No, I just stand around in the gym.” Red laughed “Sure, Snake.” Red shook her head as Snake gave his signature small smile. “Alright, well. I’ll see ya, Snake! I’ll get you to meet the guys after my training.” Snake nodded “Alright. See ya, Red.” Snake waved once and Red returned the wave as she strolled away, back toward her house. Once she was out of view, Snake sighed deeply and started his walk home. Tomorrow was going to be a long day for everyone.


Alright~! That's it for today! Hope you guys enjoyed and for those who may be confused, Snake has graduated already and Toby dropped out of school but yeah, thank you guys for reading and I'll see you guys tomorrow~! 


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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