Relationships - Part 1

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Hello Readers~! I am still in the process of re-writing this chapter but I wanted to post what I have so far since my self-set deadline for this chapter was yesterday but the whole flash drive thing just messed up everything. So yeah forgive me if this chapter is crap because I don't remember exactly what I wrote but I know what I wanted to happen here so yeah. Plus I really didn't feel like re-writing things but I couldn't just give this story up! I'm really way to excited for this story and I'm the one writing it! Lol Oh and this is not a filler chapter I swear! Everything will become clear just you guys wait~! Alright on to the story! 



Aleks woke with a groan early Monday morning. The weekend had been incredibly tiring for him as he had ran way too much for his body to handle. They had been testing what all they could do while they held up in the "Creature House" at least that was what Jordan was calling it. It was fun to see what all they could do but it left Aleks sore all over. With a sigh, Aleks stood slowly and shuffled to his closet where he pulled out some random clothes before shuffling over to his bathroom and closing the door behind him. He pulled off his clothes before he stepped into the shower and turned the water on. As the warm water poured on him, he smiled as his muscles started to relax and the soreness started to fade. After a few more minutes Aleks got out of the shower and towel-dried his hair before he wrapped a towel around his waist and left the bathroom, the coldness of his room being the first thing to hit him. Aleks shivered once before he started the pull on his clothes. 

Then just as Aleks had pulled on his pants the door to his room burst open and Aleks turned swiftly finding a bright red Eddie. "W-what the f***?!" Eddie stared at Aleks' bare chest before he forced his eyes up to Aleks' face. "I-I'm so-sorry, Aleks! I-I just wanted to uh- m-make sure you were awake.." Eddie stuttered as his blush deepened. Aleks crossed and arm over his chest, feeling embarrassed. "It-It's alright. Just uh- k-knock next time." Eddie nodded "I-I'll just be downstairs then.." Aleks nodded and Eddie closed the door swiftly, leaving Aleks standing there with a bright blush. 'What the actual f*** is going on with me? First I stare at Eddie's a** and now I'm getting embarrassed about him see me with no shirt on.' He sighed as he buried his face into his hands, willing the blush to leave his face. Shaking his head he pulled on the shirt and went back into the bathroom to fix his hair.

Though, he stopped as he looked at the shirt he had put on and smiled. It was a birthday present from Eddie a few years ago that all stemmed from him saying 'Noob' wrong. An inside joke come to life on a t-shirt. Giving one last look to the shirt he looked at his hair and tired to fix the severe bed head he had before he finally gave up and grabbed a red beanie to match the red shoes he would slip on moments after. Once the beanie and shoes were one, Aleks whistled happily as he left his room and walked downstairs, having forgotten about what had happened earlier. Until he reached the bottom of the stairs and looked up at the occupants in the room; Eddie being the first he saw. The two immediately blushed and looked away from each other.

Seamus immediately felt the tension and wanted to ignore the elephant in the room. "How'd you sleep Aleks?" Aleks looked up from the floor with a frown. "Alright, I guess. I was really sore when I got up though." James wiggled his eyebrows "Just get Kevin to touch you. You'll feel better~!" Aleks' frown deepened and Seamus and Eddie frowned as they glared at James, for two totally different reasons. "I'm fine. The shower actually helped take most of the soreness away." Seamus smiled "That's good." James, who had been pouting all this time, looked at his watch and gasped. "Guys we got like 5 minutes to get to the bus stop!" Aleks' eyes widened as he rushed to the kitchen and grabbed and apple before he grabbed his book bag and was about to follow Seamus and James out to the bus stop when there was a tap on his shoulder.

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