Chapter 1

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Paws takes point, leading the way through the Pumpkin Forest. The naturally dark sky combined with the overhanging shade makes the scenery worse to see past. And seeing as the trees are colored darkly as well doesn't make the situation any better. At this point, I'm forced to follow after her like a lost child.

"Must suck not having night vision, eh?" she says, poking at me for my lack of utility. "I guess all you're good for is getting in my way."

I roll my eyes. "Don't even start with me. You're the one that dragged me here anyway."

Our first order of business is simple. Kitty told us that there were sightings of humans in this area and that we needed to clear them out. From what Paws told me, this place is filled with dangerous creatures known as chocomons. Their name may be a joke, but their fighting power is in no way similar.

Instead of doing the obvious and knocking out the humans one by one, we decide that we should try speech first. Though our visual differences govern how they will react, I'm sure that we'll find some middle ground. If not, the chocomons will surely rid their presence from Pumpkinland. That might spark something within the humans to come back with full force retaliation.

As Paws and I trek the dirt path before us, we manage to spot a faint light in the distance. Paws points at the strange illumination, seemingly wanting to investigate it further. I simply nod my head in compliance.

We slowly approach the area, making sure to use the purple grass beneath us as a deafener for our footsteps. For once, I thank the trees for not being able to grow leaves or else there'd be a lot of crunching. And in a minute or so...

"It's strange how there's nothing in sight for what seems like miles." One of the humans, wearing a familiar set of camo clothing, speaks up first. "We won't last long on the provisions we were given. I know we're scouts and this is an in-and-out mission, but we can't stay here much longer."

"You're right about that one," the gray-haired one agrees, wearing just about the same type of clothing. "We may want to head back to HQ and report that there's no findings of abnormal activity."

The red head stretches his arms upward. "It's whatever the commander says. It's his choice on what to do next anyway."

Assuming we're going by elimination, the last one to speak must be the commander. And my guess is correct because he answers the red head. "We'll be heading back. If anything, we can say that the trees are dead even though it's summer."

I let out a small breath to check the air. It turns into mist immediately. They call this summer? What kinda drugs are they on?

"Then at sunrise, we'll pack up and get ready to leave." The camo-wearing doofus points at the commander. "Make sure your gun is loaded in case of an attack. We're not out of the thick of it until we get boots back on ground level."

"Don't have to tell me twice."

I lower my voice as to not alert the soldiers. "Paws. How do you suggest we tell them to leave without getting shot?"

She sharply turns her head towards me. "As if I know. They're more than likely going to shoot you. Zombie survival games are the fad up above, right?"

I nod my head. Although I don't remember my life specifically, I do remember the traditions that humans had. There were lots of games that were based on zombies or shooting enemies. If I were to be seen for even a second, I'd be filled with whatever they have loaded in their guns. I'm not sure how long I've been dead for, but whether it be bullets or lasers, neither one will feel nice.


My lips curve up into a smirk. "Hey. Paws. Go out there and greet your fellow mutts."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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