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"Once again, I'm out here in the middle of the night doing shit that should've been done ages ago."

I sigh gently. "Paws, it's always nighttime. Also, doesn't matter if it should've been done. Let's just get it over with."

Wrappers from candy eaten "ages ago" litter the ground. The white, milky color can be seen as far as the eye can see. Luckily, a trash can is installed nearby for us to dump all of it in.

The bad thing about it is that the trash can will become full before we even deal five percent of damage to this heap of garbage. I can see why Paws wouldn't want to do this. But whether she wants to or not, it's now our job to.

"If that trifling little witch was here, she could just blow all this away," she adds with a hearty tone. "Damn those kids. Do they not know what a trash can looks like?"

I take a moment before responding. "Because of my attitude, all I can say is that this takes away from the important tasks I could be doing."

"Like what?"

"Sleeping. What else?"

She scoffs. "Of course. All you do is eat and sleep. After waking up here, I expected to see you working endlessly to repay your debt to your saviors."

I narrow my eyes at her. "I didn't ask for you guys to take me to this eccentric little place. You all dragged me here."

"Out of the kindness of our hearts."

"Oh, shut the hell up with that."

"Make me."


"Dead beat."

"Wet dog!"

"Flesh head!"

"Hey!" A newcomer, full of pep in her step, approaches with a broomstick in hand. "No fighting, you two. I know your bond is strong, but a lover's quarrel isn't going to clean this place up one bit."

"The hell you just say?"
"Excuse me? Come again?"

"Anyway..." She fumbles with her witch hat as she investigates the amount of wrappers covering the ground. "Seems like the grass got replaced by plastic. Nice."

"Mind making a breeze that'll clean this whole thing up?" I ask swiftly. "I got stuff to do and I don't feel like walking back and forth, trash can to trash can, trying to clean all of this up."

A bright smile forms upon her face. "Why, of course. All you had to do was ask the amazing Spelli!"

Paws responds with a mirror-like response. "Sure. We can go with that."

"This isn't the main reason for my visit however." Her eyes focus on me. "The mayor said she'd like to have a word with you."

I let out a groan. "Does it sound urgent?"

"Very. She asked for you too, Paws."

"Me?" Her mouth opens in surprise. "Um... O-Okay. Well, let's go then."

I take several steps away from her. "Okay. While we're going there, keep this distance at all costs."

"What? Why?"

"I don't like you. That's why."

"Good. Being liked by you is probably dangerous considering you're a zombie."

"Fish mouth."

"Stitch face."

Spelli interrupts us by saying, "Go on your merry way. Don't keep the mayor waiting."

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