🤕🧠What A Headache💆🏻‍♂️💆🏽‍♀️

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"Hey there Mama what can I do for you today?!"  Nadezda says to Mama Leone who walks into her (Nadezda) shelter with a few of her (Renegade/Leone) men Mama Leone smiles at her knowing the woman knows full well why she and her boys were there "ah I...

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"Hey there Mama what can I do for you today?!" Nadezda says to Mama Leone who walks into her (Nadezda) shelter with a few of her (Renegade/Leone) men Mama Leone smiles at her knowing the woman knows full well why she and her boys were there "ah I see they're in they're usual place Baron" a heavily tattooed man with crooked teeth nods then walks towards the kitchen with the other guys that came with him and Leone and they come back with their arms full of large coolers filled to the brim with brains "thank you for this sweety" Leone says giving Nadezda's cheek a kiss "it's no trouble Le... now you all come back when you're done and I'll cook you a meal you'll never forget!" Nadezda replies with a smile she waves at the group as they leave Baron and the boys nod and Leone waves back as they walk out the door the smile on Nadezda's face drops for she knew how hard it was for the "Renegade" to find people willing to help her and her cause for free but she also felt good helping those in need the only fault she saw in what Leone was doing was the fact that they were creating more zombies than the shrinking city can handle which added more problems for Chase who was trying to do the best he could do and help the city they now call home which was getting harder and harder for him every day thanks to the growing amount of zombies their home is procuring which put him under too much pressure and stress and since she was not a full fledged member of Fillmore Graves.... not that she ever would be she actually hated the company and what it was doing to her husband slowly killing him in a worse way than turning into a zombie did.... but she hoped that what little she could do for and give him helped him in some form of a way showed him that there was at least one person in this messed up city who FULLY supported and never questioned HIS decisions for she knew why he made them he made a vow and he swore he would do ANYTHING to uphold it no matter what it did to him but now he has a family and that was.... in a manner of speaking.... killing him slowly as well for it adds one more worry to his already overflowing cup of wine a stronger worry especially since he will.... as if by some form of a miracle.... be a father soon for he knew that in a way what was happening to him was destroying her too and that hurt more than anything in the world.... "when you have a moment come to the shelter there's someone I'd like you to meet.... oh and don't eat anything I'm making lunch!" Chase hears his wife say from the other end of his phone he chuckles softly then replies with a smile "yes, ma'am!" he hears her chuckle which makes his smile grow "I love you!" Nadezda says softly "I love you more!" he replies with a smile in his tone then they hang up.... to Chase's surprise he was actually able to keep his word to his wife and showed up at her homeless shelter and met the WOMAN he had ordered Blaine to search for "Mama meet daddy" Nadezda introduces the smiling dark skinned woman at her side to the smiling man who stands before them "Chase meet Mama Leone or as most know her Renegade" she says Chase's eyes widen in shock at those words and he allows his wife to lead him and Leone to a table out of earshot from the rest of her crew "why are you doing this?!" Chase asks his wife as he sits down "I know what they expect of you and I know what they plan on doing they have been waiting for far too long to use that stupid anvil guillotine long before it was brought then set up in the city I'm hoping you can figure out a way to fake it.... not the finding her I see no harm in allowing Blaine to continue living up to his reputation as the second best heroic villain in Seattle! after all he is the true beginner of all this shit he's the one who created zombies just so he'll have clientele for his "brain gain game" but you and I both know that killing the "leader" of this band of misfits.... no offense Le...." Nadezda replies Mama Leone smiles and slides her hand over her friends and rubs it comfortingly as Nadezda continues "won't stop them from continuing they'll just find or create a new leader to take her place and the world will keep on spinning... I know you and how you take far too much to heart hell I do the same thing!.... yes I've been helping but more along the lines of brains than the smuggling I always have extra and or leftovers my leftovers go to those to afraid to enter this "charitable" building which I have made in YOUR name not in your company name those that "don't except charity" and yet will take what I give them well LEAVE for them when I find a chance to do so hell Chase I'm more worried about this falsified priest who has taken over so many of the lost zombies last bit of brainpower they have in their tiny skulls and the group of idiots that your idiots are too stupid to look for that have been watering down your disgusting tubes just to make a few extra bucks!.... did you know that the zombies in this city are not receiving the proper amount of those cement filled silver pouches?! that's one of the many main reasons why they're all starving YES we have a "lack" of brains coming in but I believe it's because YOUR people are not ordering the proper amount I mean if Blaine can provide me with the brains I ask for it can't be all that hard.... can it?! even with all the people who "hate" us there still are the few of the many who except us it would be better if we can help them all understand our plight understand that we didn't ask for this life it was just as forced upon us as it was them that they aren't the only one with issues and that we still feel the same emotions they do some of us in a stronger more empathic way than others.... I trust and believe in you but I do not and will not trust or believe in the many other heads that make the company you work for for there are far to many agendas and far too much greed flowing through those sad little air-filled brains that make up those heads!.... is there someone worse than her it that overly large freezer of a prison you all have made?! maybe we can make a switch.... no one knows what she looks like as a matter of fact their sexist minds believe she's male I know they will know the truth when she's brought in but there has to be a way to "fix" this issue too many lives have been hurt because of what your company has started maybe there's a way to help it end from the inside out.... if we hadn't already killed her I would say we could use Casey but it's a little too late for that!" Chase chuckles softly as she continues "but we can have a mask created that looks like her face for when she is brought in or.... well worse case scenario one of her own will take her place but we won't be telling them this is happening so maybe not!" she stops then stands up and says "I'm going to go get the food before those guys trash the place in a rage!" then she walks away Chase chuckles softly shaking his head as he watches his wife walk towards the kitchen and a bald tattooed man follows her to help her bring the food out to everyone Chase trusted his wife he knew she'd never cheat on him and even though he didn't know the man who followed her into the kitchen he knew that there would be no "hanky panky" going on inside and yet he breathes a sigh of relief when they both come out with the food and drinks then serve those around them starting with him and Renegade....

Chase Me To My Grave (used to be titled Chase-ing A Dream)Where stories live. Discover now