Techno, Michael & Skeppy

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((Just a little funny prank, skeppy thought would be funny to mess with michael while techno was asleep. Let's just say techno happened to be babysitting michael and skeppy had happened to come over for some random reason. Cause he just likes annoying techno))

Skeppy:*looks at michael who was playing and looks at skeppy and grins and thinks* 'it wouldn't hurt. It's just a little funny prank is all'*he looks at michael again*hey michael

Michael:hmm?*looks up*

Skeppy:why isn't uncle techno moving?

Michael:*looks over and frowns*...I dunno

Skeppy:I think he's dead, bud

Michael:*gasps*no*runs over to techno and gets in his lap and hugs him*NO!!

Skeppy:you killed him!! He's dead*trying to hold back laughter*

Michael:No I didn't!!*starts tearing up*no no no!!

Skeppy:*gets up and goes over*I gotta take him now


Skeppy:I gotta take him, bud. You killed him, hes dead

Michael:*crying still*No no no!! He's not dead!!

Techno:*wakes up, frowning a bit because the noise woke him up*what's going on?

Skeppy:*smiles nervously, thinking* 'shit...he's gonna kill will Tubbo and Ranboo if they found out I made their child cry'

Techno:*looks down*why is michael crying?


Techno:why is michael crying, skeppy....

Michael:*looks up, still tearing up and smiles*UNCLE!! Your not dead!! Uncle skeppy told me you were dead!! He said I killed you!!*hugs him and sniffs*

Techno:...*looks at skeppy with a terrifying death glare*....skeppy, we're gonna have a talk about this later....after I calm down, michael..oh and Ranboo and Tubbo will be there for the "talk"

Skeppy:uhhhh...I swear I was just messing with him!! I didn't know he'd cry that much!! I don't wanna be torn apart by the bee duo couple!! Please*nervously smiles*

Techno:...fine I won't tell them. But doesn't mean your safe from me*hugging michael*it's okay, michael. I'm not dead, skeppy was just being a jerk

Michael:*hugging techno*

((Cute uncle and nephew moment with prankster, uncle skeppy :) ))


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