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I know what James is feeling. Not only because I hold the power of the moon circle, but because I feel it too.
Together, we are infinite.

Lisa tells me all the time, that this is how she feels when she's running through Greendale and over hills on Starshine.

I'm not sure what's making this ride so perfect.
Maybe it's the wind blowing against my face and Brightheart's mane flowing.
Maybe it's the sun so high in the sky, beaming down on us.
Maybe it's how smoothly Brightheart is galloping.
Maybe it's that I don't see a single other rider, anywhere, as I make my way across the Silversong bridge.
I could keep on just saying "maybe" but that wouldn't make it any clearer.
I have a destination in mind, I think.
Somewhere in Mistfall.

I can see it so clearly.

Come on, Brightheart, don't slow now.

I can feel him holding on tight. I won't let you fall, James. Promise.


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