Chapter 2

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Then I saw his face in the light , he was full of tattoos and piercings , he was beautiful actually..His eyes widened once he saw me. I don't know why.

“What’s your name?”he asked me..

“Lydia, yours?”


“You are not from these places ,aren’t you ?”

“Actually I go to high school , my boyfriend brought me here”

“Oh okay, do you need a ride? Because I don’t see anywhere near your boyfriend”

I thought a bit before trusting the strange boy, but something in him made me trust him. But isn't he drunk?

Like he read my thoughts he said politely "Don't worry I'm not drunk"

I smiled softly before nodding and thanking him.

“Nothing, It’s the least that I can do after destroying your dress”

Stiles POV

Why am I behaving like that? Normally I would just say something like :  “Watch where you’re going , are you stupid?”

There’s something special about this girl…Her eyes … She looks so happy and normal but I could see in her eyes that something is bothering her..

What am I saying? Why do I still think about her?! Usually after 5 minutes I forget even the name of the girl..

Lydia’s POV

“LYDIA! Where are you going?”

It’s Peter’s voice .. He’s behind me.!God he's gonna hear it now for letting me wait for him for 2 hours in a party where I don't know anyone.

“Peter! Where the hell were you?” my voice is loud and thick. Stiles looks angry too.. What is going on? Does he know Peter?

“Stiles…I think you can go to the party now, you’re not her hero she is fine..”

Stiles looks like he’s going to punch him.. Oh no I have to stop this before something bad happens..

“It’s ok , he didn’t do anything, Stiles you can go now, really” I give him a smile saying thank you, but he looks really worried.

Peter has a disgusting smile on his face , like he managed to do something….I think it’s better to walk back home..

“Emm Peter I can walk , go back to the party.. It’s okay”

“No I will get you home , don’t worry baby” He answers me with a creepy tone in his voice.

“Um okay.” Stiles gives me an angry look and then goes back inside..Why is he angry , what did I do?

“Come on honey , get in the car..”

I get in the car and I sit back.After a few minutes I notice that he's heading to the wrong direction.I'm pretty sure my house isn't right.

“Baby where are we going ? My house isn’t in this street.”

“Yes I know, we’re stopping in my place just to take my wallet and then I’ll take you home.”

“Oh okay..”

I Crave you - stydia fanficWhere stories live. Discover now