"Well, I couldn't have you falling all over everyone inside. You stepped on like five people's feet on the way out. You're a walking safety hazard. I'm doing this for the sake of the community." I groaned and felt his body shake as he chuckled. "Come on, let's get you home. You need to sleep it off."

"No way, -'s fine." I couldn't go home now. My mom would kill me if she saw me like this. Was she even home? I hoped not. Besides, I was having a great time. "Let's get back to the party. I'm fine now. Let's go dance!" I pulled back from him and tried to stand up, but he pulled me gently back down.

"Sammi, if you try to stand up again, I'm letting you fall."

"Oh, come on. I thought you were supposed to be fun." I nudged him and giggled. "Y'have a reputation to uphold you know. Whatever happened to the Nick who- who liked to party?"

"I don't know, what happened to the Sam who never drank?" He teased.

"I told you, you've been a terrible influence on me."

"Probably." He hesitated. "But don't pin this one on me, I'm not the one who gave you all those shots."

"Yeah- was Jacob." I giggled. "But I think he's mad at me for hanging out with you. He told me I had to choose." Did I just say that out loud? Shut up, dumbass. I scolded myself, but I realized what I said too late. Damn my sloppy, drunk tongue. I eyed Nick wearily, unsure what he'd say.

After a second, he said, "Yeah, I figured he'd say something like that." He gave a slight smile but looked away. My blood boiled suddenly. It was like he didn't even care. He just laughed it off.

"And I like him." I spouted loudly, unable to help myself. I was definitely going to regret this later. I just wanted some kind of reaction from him, anything to let me know how he felt, if anything at all. It was driving me crazy. "He's nice."

"If you say so." Nick wouldn't face me, which only made me madder.

"And- and you're so confusing. 'S like you say things, but I- I never know what you mean. I don't- don't understand anything."

"That's because you're drunk, Sammi." He patted some dust off his jacket, not reacting in any way at all. He had no feelings.

"You know what I meant," I said bitterly. "Do you even like me, Nick?" I turned to him in a last desperate attempt to make him react. And with each second that passed without him answering, my heart sank a little more in my chest.

I felt my head sway as I stood up. "Sam-" I swatted away his hand when he tried to help me.

"I have to go to the bathroom."

"I'll walk you."

"I'll tell- tell you something. I can walk by myself." I, effectively, could not.

"Sammi, come on. Don't be so stubborn-"

"-I said just leave me alone." I said as I shoved his hand away roughly. He shook his head, annoyed.

"Fine. Do whatever you want. I couldn't care less." I heard him say with a shrug and an eye roll. I whipped around and kept walking, but the whole room was spinning so it made it hard. I wasn't even sure how I managed to get to the bathroom.

I jiggled the door but the lock was on. I knocked a couple times hard until finally the door swung open and three girls stumbled out. I quickly went in and slid down on the floor. I just needed a second. The loud music vibrating through the floor and wall made me feel ten times worse. After a minute, I grabbed ahold of the counter and pulled myself up, looking at myself in the mirror, feeling disgusted and ugly. My mascara was running and I looked like shit. I tried to rub it out but it made it only worse. "Ugh," I said to the reflection as I smudged the mirror with my hand, turned around and opened the door. I felt sick but kept walking off, not sure where I was going until I felt a hand wrap around my shoulder.

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