Chapter one: The baby

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It was a normal summer night, everything in the Dursley's house was perfect and quiet, nothing was out of place, they were a happy little family, in a happy little neighborhood, nothing could ruin their happy lives, or so they thought.

As the night grew colder and the young boy in number four privet drive was tucked into bed there was a ring at the doorbell

Who could it be at this time of night? Who could possibly be at the Dursley's door and what could they want as this time of night?

The youngest person of the Dursley family ran downstairs too see who it was, he hopped down the stairs with a smile on his face, he was hoping it was a present, or maybe one of his friends wanted a sleep over! But when he opened the door he saw a basket.

Laying inside the basket was a baby, a small baby with raven hair and emerald green eyes, and the softest smile a baby could have, the small baby was wrapped in blankets along with a letter

"Mommy! Daddy! Come quick! Someone's left a baby outside!" Dudley cried out

Petunia and Vernon Dursley came running down the stairs as soon as they heard they're precious angels cry

"What happened my little Dudleykinns!" Mrs Dursley cried out as she ran to her sons rescue, not knowing the creature they would find at the door step.

As Mrs.Dursley looked outside she saw a tiny baby, a baby that looked like none other than her "sister" and her stupid boyfriend.

The horse faced women was unsure of what to do or what to say, it couldn't be lily's child...or could it?

the women reluctantly picked up the small basket that held the small boy and brought it inside, shutting the door behind her.

She roughly dropped the basket onto the floor, disturbing the small boy that laid bundled in blankets

The boy let out a cry as soon as the basket touched the floor, but the horse faced women simply left the boy there

the horse face women sigh as she angrily stormed up the stairs, leaving the two boys alone

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