1984 : ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜꜱʏ

850 22 1

                        BROOKE THOMPSON:

* 5/10
* has confidence, but it's not very strong
* margaret fucked that girl up
* brook trusts you so much!!
* like she never ever doubts you
* is so jealous when u talk to montana tho

                        XAVIER PLYMPTON:

* 2/10
* it's rare to see him get jealous
* but how he does he'll take it the grave
* the death stare he'll give to someone-
* you'd probably get jealous quite a lot
* everyone be flirting with xavier🙄

                          MONTANA DUKE:

* 4/10
* low key insecure in some ways
* won't tell anyone though!
* let's everyone new know she's yours
* "hey, this is my gorgeous girlfriend, y/n"
* slaps yo ass!

                            RAY POPWELL:

* 7/10
* nervous you'll find someone 'better'
* even thought that's NOT possible
* good at hiding the fact he's jealous
* but you soon find that shit out
* both now hug crying for like an hour <3

                              CHET CLANCY:

* 0/10
* knows u won't do anything wrong to him
* yeah girls are all up on him all the time
* but you're better then them!
* will drop kick a guy if they flirt with you
* same goes for you! #powercouple

                          RICHARD RAMIREZ:

* -100/10
* straight up will kill someone
* will send them straight to hell
* no second thoughts
* yk he actually kinda scares me
* is that the whole point?

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