ʜᴏᴛᴇʟ : ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜꜱʏ

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* 10/10
* sally is very insecure about everything
* thinks you're gonna find someone else
* will isolate herself from you for awhile
* you notice she's disappeared
* get ready to reassure her all night


* 6/10
* he doesn't really get jealous
* just is possessive over you
* claims you as his "property"
* which of course you don't like
      -(because women aren't property)-
* a toxic relationship some would say


* 8/10
* thinks you'll leave cus she's transgender
* which of course you quickly deny
* because she's the best thing ever to exist
* still has negative thoughts about it
* telling her you love her over and over

                    (james patrick march)

* 1/10
*  doesn't care about who looks at you
* he knows you won't leave him
* but he will kill anyone who gets to close
* maybe kill said person together?
* this is your guy's date night

                          THE COUNTESS:

* 0/10
* she's very confident in herself
* knows you'll pick her over anyone
* gives people the deadliest death stare
* leaves with a smirk on her face
* fancy dinner again (it's every night)


* 5/10
* mostly everyone knows your his girlfriend
* but when someone does get to close...
* he goes absolutely crazy
* has broken someone's nose before
* and he'd do it again bop bop

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