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 I posted ch 20 less than 24 hours ago, so make sure you read that chapter first!


I only have one problem now. 

I need to actually find someone to hook up with. 

I figure it won't be too hard, but I've overestimated myself before. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to find someone before call time. 

Harry drives us all back to the venue, barely acknowledging me the whole time. I relax a little. Maybe he's given up on trying to start something between us. 

I change into a typical concert outfit of skirt, corset-style top, fishnets, and boots.

After my smoke, I have to rush onstage as usual. As I perform, I'm scanning the crowd for someone I could hookup with, preferably someone more attractive than Harry. Just to show how much I don't need him. 

I spot a couple of guys that would do the job, but it also seems that they're attending the concert with their girlfriends. 

Well that won't work. I don't want to be a homewrecker. 

When we walk offstage, I unfortunately haven't found anyone that'll do. I guess I'll just settle for whoever's hanging around after the show. 

When Ardere performs, Harry doesn't look in my direction once the whole time, which is unusual.

I should be happy about him ignoring my presence, it should give me a sense of relief.

So why am I even more annoyed? This is what I want, right?

After we wait for most of the crowd to disperse, Harry walks by my dressing room, a tall brunette model-type on his arm.

"Where's your date?" He asks me, and that look in his eye tells me he's onto my lie.

"Oh, he'll be here soon. He's picking up some things at the store." I say.

"We'll see you at the hotel, then." Harry shrugs, "Oh and sunshine? You may want to tell your guy to pick up some earplugs as well." He winks at me, then walks away.

I roll my eyes as he leaves, but then begin to panic. I need to find someone to hook up with. Now.

I pull my top down a little and shove my boobs up more, then smooth out my hair. I walk outside, scanning for people.

My eye catches a group of guys standing near the sidewalk, having a conversation.

I take a deep breath and walk over to them, trying to be confident and sexy.

There's 3 of them, a stocky blonde with a lip piercing, a tall skinny brunette wearing a Def Leppard t shirt, and a short guy with blue hair and glasses.

"Excuse me, boys," I say, and they all stop talking and look at me with either curiosity or shock.

"Aren't you...?" The blue haired one speaks.

"The lead singer of Cherry Bomb?" I ask, "Yes, I am."

They all look at me, not quite sure what to say.

"Would you like to have sex with me?" I ask bluntly, looking directly at the tall brunette. He's skinny, but he has some muscle. And he has a nice bone structure, too.

"I- um- I-" he stutters and stumbles over his words, then finally gives up on talking and nods vigorously instead.

"Perfect," I smile, "Come on then," I grab his hand and pull him with me towards the waiting limo.

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