Chapter Eleven: Tailgates and Tears

Start from the beginning

The party started at three so I had taken a shower and grabbed the outfit Gilinsky had picked for me to wear. A black lace crop top that was sheer at my stomach and a low neckline, paired with a black, short, silk, high-waisted skirt. I had my thick brown hair straightened and in a half up have down look. I did my makeup pretty simple considering how over the top my outfit was for a tailgating party. I pushed my long hair over both of my shoulders before walking out of the bathroom. I saw Gilinsky pacing back and forth in front of his suitcase trying to figure out what to wear. I laughed softly, "Here, try this. It's simple enough for her to love" I said handing him a black t-shirt, jeans, and his maroon snap back. He kissed my forehead smiling before he went into the bathroom to change. I loved the relationship Gilinsky and I had, I never had any siblings so it was good to feel like I had an older brother. I walked into the back to see Andrew grabbing his camera and Jake putting on some cologne. Jake had on a pair of jeans, his black shirt that said Faded on the front, and his lime green, white, and black, Puma jacket. He looked and smelt so good, it was almost too hard for me to resist him.

We finally got to the stadium parking lot and Gilinsky practically ran off of the bus. I giggled along with the rest of the boys as we all followed off after him. Once he found Emily he immediately pulled her into a hug, picking her up and spinning her as he did so. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen, the way they looked at each other and whispered back and forth was absolutely adorable. He put his hand on the small of her back as they walked over to us. All of the Omaha boys and Jake gave her a hug before Jack brought her over to Andrew and I. "Em, this is my adopted baby sister Er, and her camera-happy friend Andrew" he said chuckling as Emily gave us both hugs. "It's so nice to finally meet you! Jack told me all about you and how talented you are!" she said smiling as Jack put his arm around her whispering in her ear. "I'll see you in a little bit. Come on Andrew" Jack said before walking away with the rest of the guys. "He really cares about you, you know?" I said to her as she watched him walk away. "You really think so? I mean I never can tell with him, but here I am going to be sophomore in college still in love with the same guy I fell for when I was six." she said with a sigh as we walked over to where the rest of the party was. "You might not be the only one who feels that way" I said with a laugh and a smirk. "Haha I like you, but I don't think I'm the only one who does" she said gesturing over to Jake who looked over at me with a sigh and his hands in his pockets. He had longing eyes once again as they met mine. I sighed turning back to Emily, "Yeah, that's a long story" I said as I pushed my hair over to one side. "You get played by Foosh?" She asked handing me a drink, I nodded in response. "It happened a lot last year with Caroline, or at least that's what Jack told me. But I've known Jake for over a year now, and I've never seen him look at anyone like that before." I just sighed and took a sip of the drink she had handed me.

I was glad to see Gilinsky so happy being around Emily again and she seemed to be just as happy if not more. We all stayed in the parking lot during and after the game, it was getting dark so someone made a fire with one of the charcoal grills. Emily sat in between Jake and Gilinsky, Johnson sat next to him and myself, and Sammy, Skate, and Andrew sat to my left. Johnson had brought his guitar out from the tour bus and was just playing a few random songs, then Emily spoke up. "Hey will you play one of the songs you guys do on tour?" she asked looking over at Johnson. Gilinsky looked down at her "Which one?" "Well don't you sing one with Erin? I want hear her voice since you tell me about it all the time" she said smiling up at him as they both blushed. "You up for it Er?" Johnson asked turning to me. I shrugged, "Yeah sure go ahead" I said as Johnson wished us luck and Andrew turned on his camera before Johnson strummed the first chord. I pushed all of my hair to the left over my shoulder as I sang the first verse. All eyes were on me but I kept mine closed until I heard Gilinsky singing with me. When he took over his verse, he sang to Emily the whole time. My eyes moved to Jake's once I sang the words "You've got to try, try, try again baby" even as I continued to sing and close my eyes at certain parts, somehow whenever I opened them they would find Jake's. We finished the song and everyone clapped and Emily kissed Jack's cheek before Andrew turned his camera off.

The party came to a close at around twelve and we all headed towards the bus. Gilinsky waited outside with Emily trying their hardest to say goodbye. I looked out the window at them hugging each other tightly, just then Jake came up behind me to see what I was looking at. "That could be us you know" he whispered into my ear before walking to the back of the bus. I sighed, that was us at the beginning of the tour, now I don't even know if we're friends. I watched as Gilinsky kissed Emily cupping the sides of her face, as he pulled away he whispered something against her lips and she just nodded her head. He smiled widely taking her hand and bringing her onto the bus. All of us turned to him as they walked up the steps, "So do you guys mind if I bring my girlfriend on the rest of the tour with us?" he asked and then smiled widely pulling Emily into his side. I smiled just as wide and gave them both hugs before the rest of the guys could. But I suddenly felt sad, I did want that to be me and Jake, I wanted that to be us.

Author's Note:

Seeing so much love and support for this story, it honestly warms my heart and I can't thank you guys enough for it! Keep commenting and voting please, it's one of the things that keeps me writing. So if you want more spread the word and some love!

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