Chapter 20

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As days go by, the students were slowly changing because of the continuous notes and letters that Jimin and Taehyung write everyday.

Jimin was courting Yoongi. He had to prove his love to him. Yoongi was really confused and still have trust issues because of the past dramas he encountered. Yoongi's former group are slowly changing as well. I hope it'll really go well, though.

Jiyoon was extra clingy to Jimin that made Yoongi always jealous. Jimin always had to tell her to stop, but that bitch was just really fucking slutty. As you can see, Jimin has big respect to girls even though they don't really deserve it. However, Jimin still assured Yoongi that he is the only one in his heart. (That was cringy)

Month: December
Time: 7:30 A.M


"Alright class! Be ready for our Christmas party tomorrow which is on December 20 as we all celebrate Christmas together. We will be having a loooonnggg holiday after that." Our teacher said. "Who is the President of the class? Kindly prepare something for our exchange gifts. Write all the names of the students and put it in a basket. We should all pick one paper, ONLY ONE PAPER! And after that, you should NOT show it to anyone. The name you picked, you should prepare a gift to them. Understand?!" She continued as we all nodded in response.

I looked at Jimin who's slightly uncomfortable on his seat. "Are you alright, Jimin-ah?"

"I'm alright, Yoongi. I have to tell you something later. It's very important." I looked at him worriedly as I just nodded as my answer. What could it be?

After minutes of waiting for our president. He was finally done. He was calling out names in front. I just sat down and waited.

I feel someone touch my hair, and when I looked who it was. It was Jimin! "Yah! My hair is special, how could you touch it?"

"Because I own you hehehe. Just jokinggggg." Ugh this man. Only 10 minutes ago he was nervous, and now he is back to annoy me! Not gonna complain though hehe.

I slapped the back of his head. "Stupid!"
"By the way, when are you going to show your true identity." I whispered so that someone won't hear us.

"Yeahhh, about that-" He was cut off by the President.

"Park Jimin!" His name was called as he stood up on his seat as he went to him. I saw him pick a paper inside the basket as he widened his eyes and quickly put it inside his pocket. I saw our President talked to him as he laughed. They were chitchatting as I just rolled my eyes. Are they flirting or something. Just kidding, i hope not HAHAH!

"Yea don't tell it to anyone!" I heard him say as he marched back to me. "What was that?" I said as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"We were just chatting, babe. You jeaaaaalloooouuuusssss?" He snickered and wore an annoying smile enough to make me smack his head.

"I am not! What name was on your paper?" I asked as he just laughed and bent down to look at my eyes. "Why would I tell you, baby boy?" Ugh he was teasing me again. I hate him.


"Min Yoongi!" I rolled my eyes when i heard my name. I stood up from my seat as I walked towards him.

"Kindly pick a paper without looking, please. When you're done, please let me know as I will write your name on the pa-"

"Shut it Carl, you're distracting me." I heard him huff but I just ignored it. I picked a paper without looking. I looked at the paper and it was.

'Min Jiyoon'

OUT OF ALL NAMES! WHYYYY HERRRR??? UGHHHH! I simply crumpled the paper and put it in ny pocket. "Hey, I'm done." I informed as I just quickly sat on my seat as I glared Jimin.

"This is your fault." I blamed him as he just furrowed his eyebrows, confused. "Whaaaaatt didddd I do to youuuu." I just made a funny face and rolled my eyes again.

"It's your fault that I picked Jiyoon." I muttered. "What, whyyy?"

"Because it's simply your fault. Don't ask questions."

"Looks like someone is in his red days." He said that made me slap his head again.

"I AM NOT A GIRL-" he quickly covered my mouth. "Shhh you're loud, baby." He whispered as i just rolled my eyes and bit his hands so that he'll stop. "EW YOUR HAND TASTES LIKE GARLIC!"

"Oh, I forgot to wash my hands after using the toilet earlier. It must be PEE." I widened my eyes and looked at him in disgust. "PARK JIMIN!" We laughed in unison. Goshhh i hate himmmmm!

"Oh yea, Yoongi? About the thing I was gonna say earlier..."

"I'm gonna reveal the truth tomorrow during our Christmas Party."

When Jimin said those words. My smile immediately collapsed as I thought about those girls who'll flirt with him after...

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