Chapter 2: Mending Broken Hearts

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Lynn's P.O.V.:

When my eyes fluttered open, I found pale moonlight illuminating my bedroom. Huh...that's weird. It seemed as if the night had lingered on earth for an extended period of time. I must have slept through my alarm clock.

I rolled over in bed and peered at the time. It was 6:15. Damn, I'd slept extremely late into the day. Now I wouldn't be tired when I was actually supposed to go to sleep. It was going to be a sleepless night for me.

I rested my head on my pillow and tried to think. A hushed voice in the back of my head told me that I had forgotten about something important. I stared hard at the ceiling and tried to recall what it was. Playing at a concert? No... the tour was over. I smiled, remembering the distant feeling of being on top of the world. Lynn, concentrate! Was it a meet and greet? Recording in the studio? Suddenly, an image of my girlfriend rippled in my mind.

[Flashback~The day before:]
Alexa: "So we'll meet up tomorrow?"
Lynn: "Yup. Remember; Café Luna."
Alexa: "Got it... I miss you! ;("
Lynn: "I miss you more, babe.
See you tomorrow @ 4:00. <3"


I rolled out of bed and landed on the ground with a loud thud. Instant pain shot up my tailbone, spreading through my lower back. Crap; that definitely was going to leave a tender bruise. Ignoring my undeniable discomfort, I untangled myself from my sheets and reached for my phone. There were 9 lengthy texts, all from Alexa. How could I have overslept? I'm such a big jerk.

Once I cleared my cloudy eyes, I began to get dressed. I briskly stripped myself from my cotton pajamas and threw on the first shirt I found in my dresser.

When I had pulled on my skinny jeans and zipped up my combat boots, I bounded down the stairs to my kitchen. I grabbed two granola bars from the pantry. No time for brushing my hair, not even if it did resemble a bird's nest. I had to make it up to Alexa. She's the love of my life and I couldn't bear to leave things how they were. That just wouldn't be right.

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