Ch14: Legosi's Day to Day

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Legosi slowly opened his eyes, the light shining in through the crack in his curtains and onto his arm and back. He rolled over onto his back and then sat up, shaking his head to rid of the muddled feeling. 

He yawned and got up to stretch. His ears swiveled, hearing the other guys in the mansion shuffle around. The night guards would be heading to bed while the rest of the facility were waking up.

He got dressed and made his bed, ignoring shoes and heading out of his room. He didn't even need to think about where he was walking, just following the smell of food that wafted through the air. He was kind of thankful there was a cook in the mansion, since it meant he didn't have to figure out his own version of whatever to eat every morning.

When he walked into the kitchen, he mumbled a, "G'morning", to the Komodo standing by the stove, who just turned his head slightly and then held out a plate to Legosi. Legosi took it with a smile and reached over the counter to start up the kettle.

He put the plate of food on the table, jumping onto a chair and digging in. It was the usual breakfast of eggs, bacon and toast. The cook soon put a cup of tea beside Legosi's plate on the table. "Thanks" He mumbled between bites. Legosi noted to learn the guy's name at some point while he chewed.

After breakfast and tea, Legosi was more awake and found himself running through the mansion, sniffing the air and following a familiar scent of cigars and old books. He smiled when he spotted his target walking alone in the hallway.

Jumping once he was in reach, Legosi latched onto the old Komodo Dragon's back and giggled. "Morning Grandpa!" He said happily. Gosha chuckled at his grandson's antics and reached over his shoulder to pet the pup's head. "Morning Legosi." The pup giggled and let go of his grip when Gosha picked him up over his shoulder by the scruff.

Legosi reached for the cigar hanging off Gosha's lips but Gosha held him out of reach with a 'nice try' kind of look on his face. Legosi giggled again and wiggled so Gosha would put him down. The older male did so and Legosi's tail wagged, saying, "I gotta get to my lesson with Garth, but I'll drop by after lunch!" Gosha nods and watches the pup run down the hallway and around a corner, going to his office to deal with the usual affairs.

Legosi jogged off to his study, meeting Garth there. Garth was slightly less muscular than Gosha and the others but he was more of an academic and had the time to teach Legosi. Garth offered a smile to the pup, opening the door to the study and letting the pup run inside first.

"What's today's lesson?" Legosi asked, jumping up on the chair behind his mahogany desk. The walls were lined with all kinds of books, from academic to fiction and all things in between, a lone window on the right side. Garth pulled one from the far right bookshelf and put it in front of Legosi, pulling a chair up to the desk for himself. "Someone's in a good mood," Garth's gentle voice commented, making the pup's tail wag. "Anyway, we're working on Seaspeak today, you need more practice."

Legosi's tail slowed but didn't stop completely. He had trouble with Seaspeak and his running theory was because his tongue was too long for his mouth to properly form the sounds, but thankfully Garth was a patient animal.


After his lesson, Legosi made a stop at the kitchen for lunch. He was a little early, but the cook didn't mind, handing him an egg sandwich and some juice.

He sat on the counter, eating his lunch and watching the cook make lunch for the rest of the Gumi. He put his dishes in the sink and jumped down once he was done but before he could leave, the cook leaned down and held another plate out to him.

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