Chris's First

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Chris pulled away from me and held my head in his hands. He looked into my eyes and I was fully enveloped in his gaze. He smiled wide. His dimples were on full display and I went weak in my knees.

"What was my life before you?" He asked.

"Utterly boring. No fun and you definitely were a directionless bum." I said with a straight face, knowing that it was a complete lie.

He smiled even wider and laughed. He kissed my lips gently, "Definitely a directionless bum."

Chris, is in fact, Bangchan, from Stray Kids. Definitely NOT a directionless bum, and for sure had a very exciting life. Dating him was definitely the most fun I had had in a long time.

He let me go, put on his shoes, and put one hand on the door. "I really hate leaving you."

"I don't want you to leave either. But Jipe (which is what I called JYP) is being oh so gracious by letting us date, so we have to toe the line." I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips.

"There will be a time when I don't have to hide you. When I can be with you, without boundaries and without supervision. PD Nim allowing me to be with you is so frustrating. Constantly being on a leash." he was starting to turn red and his grip on the door handle was tightening.

"Chris," I took his hand off the door and put my arms around his waist, "It will be ok. We have to cherish what we have and look at the positive. We have each other, in any amount, and it'll work itself out."

I put my head on his chest. I barely came up to his shoulder. His breathing evened out and his heart rate slowed.

"How do you do that?" He put his chin on the top of my head and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

"Do what?" I looked up at him.

"Make everything seem normal. Make me feel better. Make things seem like they're not a big deal. And it works..."

"I've lived a life. I've got some years on you and I've learned what's worth stressing over and what isn't. Life experience, good sir, will calm you down." I squeezed his waist.

He kissed the top of my head, squeezed me back, and pulled himself away.

"TK, I don't want to live a life where you're not in it." He smiled once more, opened the door, and left my apartment.

" He smiled once more, opened the door, and left my apartment

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