"I mean what are the other options?" Ranboo asked. "Except Florida,"

George looked up the ceiling to think. What could it be? "I mean If I go to other countries, who would I meet there?"

"George had a point," Tommy agreed. "You can't just go to a country without someone to met there. You would be fucking lonely,"

"Being lonely and having me time are two different things," Ranboo replied.

"Who cares about 'me' if there's 'we'"Tommy argued.

The minors keep talking and talking and I only keep myself to not listen. Dream got another point. I don't know why I keep counting points like this. Who am I? A fucking child?

"Are you honest about on what you feel about love?" Tommy looked at George. "What are you feeling right now?"

What the fuck...

I'm just zoning out for some time and these minors would talk about something like this.

"Tommy just got the sophisticated virus," Tubbo warned.

"Childinnit was not a child anymore," Ranboo said.

"Don't call me childinnit, you fucking slenderman," Tommy cussed.

"Yes," George said. Shutting the mouth of the minors.

The operator make a thumbs up.

It was silence after that, including me. 

"Ranboo we are the only survivors of the sophisticated apocalypse," Tubbo tried to end the awkward silence.

"Agree," Ranboo nods. "Now my turn,"

George looked around the place before hearing Ranboo's question.

"Who do you think needs the most help in this room?" 

"Uhmmm... George thinks. "It would be Tommy,"

Tommy and George both look at the operator, waiting for an answer.

The operator showed a thumbs down.

"What?" George was shocked.

"He said you were lying," Tommy replied, half-lidded, fake teared.

It was definitely me...

"The spikes are really big," The operator started to explain. You know the rules, big spikes means big lies.

"Well who is it George," Ranboo asked. Well Tubbo also waited for an answer.

"Yahhh," George started to get annoyed. "It was Wilbur,"


"It is always Wilbur," Tubbo responds.

"He is the one needing the most emotional help from me,"

I only nods at him while listening.

"So bench trio was now abandoned," Tubbo said.

"Yep, out for duty," added Ranboo.

"Just wait for us to be eighteen so we will be more sophisticated," Tommy replied.

"The sophisticated virus in his body is getting worse," Tubbo leaned sideways on the couch.

"No it's not a virus, Tubbo," Tommy stands up. "It's a big man buff. Big man will become sophisticated and independent,"

Whatever these minors are talking, I need to take my turn...

Well this question needs a lot of courage. a lot of scalding truth to be handle. Truth feels like a blade with thousand blades. It hurts most, because it was remarkable.

What had said must be done. What he said must be accepted. What his decision must be respected...

Man, I've never felt this down in my whole life...

Like really fucking down.

So fucking down, that I would be stressed out for something I already expected that cause stress, but still insist to do it in the name of truth, attraction, label, and defiance...

Just ask the fucking question Wilbur, and breathe...

Bank up all that water in your pupils as they are reserved in the sheets.

"George," I called. Which not only attracted his attention but also everyone in the room.

Fuck, I'm nervous...

"Do you have plans of having me," I nearly closed my eyes just for asking that.

George smiled before he answered. "Yes,"

The operator raised a thumb.

Fuck I never look confused...

"Why?" I spat those words as curiosity pull them out of my throat.

He smiled again. "Wilbur, you're such a mysterious man..."

Did Anybody Ever Say No To You - (Georgebur)Where stories live. Discover now