Tere Mere Sapne- Her Baba's Ring

Start from the beginning

"He's not only my Pati Babu, but he is my Shikshak too! I want to make my Shikshak Babu feel proud of me and guide me in this Badlaav that he wants to see in our country! I want to serve my country, my nation and make it a better one!"

Anirudh was really overwhelmed and proud seeing his Bondita so confident. He had definitely moulded her into a masterpiece!

But suddenly, there were murmurs all around.
A few people were giggling and laughing at her, mockingly.

"See!" A man who was Trilochan Kaka's friend, spoke up.
"This girl wants to bring changes! Your duty is to just serve your husband, not the nation!"

Anirudh was about to walk upto the man and punch him right at the face, but he heard Bondita speak.

"Ofcourse I do! I do want to change this nation. I do want to change the thinking of it's people and the status of women in our society." She spoke, moving forward confidently.
"And I'm not afraid or worried about anything! Because I know, I have my Pati Babu by my side, always!"

Anirudh was just so proud of her that day.

That day he realised, that his Bondita no more needed him to fight for her. She was now capable of fighting her own wars and maybe win them too!

"Huhh! Pati Babu?!" A woman mocked her, rolling her eyes at Bondita.
"You should be grateful to Durga Maa that you got such a husband, who isn't slapping you for speaking in public like this!"

Anirudh turned to glare at that woman but not without a frown. How was Bondita supposed to be lucky to have him? When he was the one who considered himself lucky to have Bondita by his side all the time. And slap? How could he even dream of slapping a woman? And that too his wife!

Bondita just frowned at the woman. She wanted to give her a nice reply, but before she could, someone else spoke up.

"Yes yes!" Another woman added.
"She just got him by chance! He wasn't anywhere supposed to marry such a poor village girl. Afterall, Anirudh Roy Chowdhary is meant for Gold and not soil! Just imagine, if that day Anirudh Babu wouldn't have went to attend Saurabh's Wedding, he would have never needed to marry you! You're just a mere liability, a burden on your husband!"

All the words seemed to pierce Bondita's heart so painfully! They were just so harsh for a fifteen year old to handle.
Anirudh had always kept his little Bondita away from the harsh words of this society, but today, on her 15th Birthday, he couldn't manage to do that!

"That's why Anirudh Babu doesn't love his wife!" Another villager spoke from the crowd.
"One day he'll leave you forever! Then what would you do, Bondita Malkin? Where would you go? You don't even have a father to go back to!"

Bondita's eyes welled up with tears. She suddenly found herself short of words.

Kaka sasurji would have thrown these people out, if he didn't have to think of his reputation.

Anirudh was standing, looking at Bondita with tears in his own eyes. He himself wasn't able to process what was happening. His Bondita was standing so strong till now, but now it seemed, that she was deeply hurt and broken by these harsh words.

Bondita just couldn't hold back her tears anymore and she quickly turned around to run upstairs.  She wanted to hide herself somewhere, away from this harsh world and it's harsh people.

"Not another word!" Anirudh finally yelled.
"I don't want another word from anyone in this room, now! Bondita is my wife! And if I hear anything against my wife, I promise the consequences won't be good and I won't be responsible!!" He warned and ran behind his Bondita.

He reached upstairs to the terrace and found Bondita sitting on the floor, against the wall. Her head was buried in her knees and she was crying loudly.

His heart broke into a thousand pieces as he saw his Bondita crying so bitterly. The day he had wanted to make her feel the most special, turned out to be the saddest one for her!

Anirudh slowly walked towards her, painful tears flowing down his own eyes.
In that moment, he just wanted to hug her tightly and take away all her pain and tears.

"Bo... Bondita!" He spoke softly, before sitting down on the floor beside her.

Bondita didn't reply and continued to sob louder than before.

Anirudh raised his hand and gently touched her head with all his love.

"Bondita please don't cry!" He said, trying hard to hold back his own tears. He had to be strong in front of his little wife. But Bondita didn't seem to register any of his calls and continued to cry her heart out.

"Please look at me, Bondita!" He requested and Bondita finally lifted her head to look at him.

Anirudh's heart cried as soon as he saw her eyes. They had become red and swollen after all the crying. Her nose was running and her cheeks were completely wet with tears.

He fisted his hands angrily. If it was in his hands, he would have killed everyone responsible for making his little Bondita cry like this!

"Bondita! Please don't cry, it breaks my heart. Please talk to me! Tell me what you feel? I want to know! I want to take away all your pain!" He said, reaching to touch her hands, but she pulled away from him fearfully.

"Am I a liability? Am I a burden on you, Pati Babu?" She finally spoke, looking at him. Her voice was laced with fear and a lot of self doubt.

"No Bondita!" Anirudh quickly replied, not wasting even a second now.
"You can never be a burden on me! I promise, you aren't!"

"No Pati Babu! You have already said that you don't consider me your wife!" Bondita cried, remembering what he had told her a few days back.
"If some day you leave me?" She suddenly feared her own words and started to cry even louder.

"No Bondita! Never will I leave you!" Anirudh told, trying to hold her shoulders but she just swatted away his hands.

"Bondita please listen to me!" He said and shifted closer, beside her.
"I never said that I don't consider you my wife! Ofcourse you're my wife and only yoy remain to be that, for the whole life time!"

"What I meant was, that I can't give you any of the wifely rights you wanted! Other than that, I've always considered you someone who's more special to me than my own self! You're definitely mine Bondita!" He said, holding her hands and looking at her with love. Bondita sniffed, and looked up at him. She had always truly believed what he told.

"Yes Pati Babu, I'm only yours! But are you mine too?" She asked suddenly.

"The way I say that I belong to you, completely. The same way, can I say that you only belong to me?"

Bondita is really heartbroken. How would Anirudh console his little wife?

Would this incident lead their special relationship to new heights?

What do you think about the ladies?

Did you find Bondita's questions wrong in any way?

Thats all for this part!❤️ Hope you all like this!❤️

Please don't forget to comment and vote!❤️
Stay tuned for the next part!❤️ its gonna be Beautiful!❤️

Love, Author!❤️


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