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𝐀𝐥 𝐀𝐛𝐝𝐮𝐥:
You two had met at the games during red light green light, you were too scared to move once you saw people dying around you it felt like your feet were glued to the ground. "When I tell you to run, run. Don't look back, understand me?" The male voice said behind you, you shook your head a little letting him know you understood. Once the head turned back around he grabbed your hand and you both ran and made it across the line before the doll could turn around.

You met at the police station, your crazy ex was stalking you and you went to ask for help and he said yes. At first he was just staying in his car watching your house throughout the day but then you started inviting him in for lunch and dinner, and you two got closer and closer starting a wonderful friendship hoping it would turn to something more in the future.

You met at the orphanage where her little brother was. Your sister and him are best friends, they would always play together and you and her would just sit there and watch talking about your futures together once you both get your siblings out of here.

You two met through Ga-yeong, his daughter. She would come over and have play dates with your daughter and he would be the one to pick her up after. One day when he came to get her you asked him if he wanted to stay for dinner and he said yes, all four of you ate and before he left he asked you out on a date and of course you said yes.

𝐆𝗼𝐧𝐠 𝐘𝗼𝗼:
You met at the subway(not the food place.) he saw you sitting at the bench and he decided to approach you asking if you wanted to play a game with him. But he kind of regrets it because you started calling him a creep and every cuss word in the book, but quickly apologized and told him you were having a really bad day. He told you he understood and that he forgives you and instead of doing his job he just chatted with you for the rest of the night.

You two were childhood friends one day at recess two boys were bullying you and he came over and helped you. You thanked him and he just shrugged it off and walked away. At first you were confused as to why he acted like that but then you didn't care anymore. The next day you tried speaking to him but he kept ignoring you but that didn't stop you, so you kept bothering him until he finally gave in.

I hope you guys enjoyed I hope its not bad because I'm like half asleep right now but I wanted to post for you guys before I fall asleep. So please let me know what you think about this, love you all❤