Chapter 3 - Realized Mistakes

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I cannot believe I was at this point in my life, but alas, I was here, and there was no going back.

"Hey, asshat, what could be the matter? Perhaps your relationship, or lack thereof, with my alluring best friend." The voice of my charming brother came through my phone. I hate my life.

"It's nice to talk to you too, Lee."

"Stop with the pleasantries and the sarcasm and get to the point."

"What can't a guy just call his brother, whom he hasn't seen in months?"

"Yes, if we had that kind of relationship."

"You know, Lee," I was getting frustrated now, "I do try to talk to you, I thought us both separating from the girls would allow us to talk more, but I'm not the one dodging calls."

He sighed, "I know; I just didn't want to get put in the middle with your guys' drama."

"I never put you in the middle. You put yourself there."

"Whatever, what would you like to talk about?"


He laughed sarcastically, "Of course, what about Elle?"

"Look, Lee, I made a mistake. Breaking up with Elle was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I know we broke up last year for a few months, but being here with her, seeing her every day, and not being able to be with her, I'm losing my mind."

"Congratulations, you've finally come to your senses."

"We weren't working, Lee, it was probably my fault, but that doesn't mean separating wasn't necessary or made this any easier. How would you feel if you saw Rachel every day, watching her thrive, while you're dying to be the one to make her laugh?"

"I'd do whatever I could to make her mine again."

"Exactly, so I need your help."

"Noah, I'm not sure exactly what I could do from here."

"But you have information...does she ever talk about me? Does she still love me? Do you think she'd be willing to get back together? Am I too late? Have I messed up too badly," I babbled on.

"Noah, chill! Look, she hasn't said anything; she was kind of too determined to prove everyone wrong, especially you to focus on anything other than Harvard."

My heart dropped, "So, she thinks I'm against her?"

"More like you didn't believe in her."

"But I did, I do! I thought I was holding her back!"

"I know, but that's not how she saw it. So, I'm going to be honest with you. I don't think just professing your love will do it this time. I think you need to start slow and rebuild your relationship starting as friends."

I sighed, "Okay..."

"But I would do it fast because I think this guy, what's his name, Danny? I think he is slowly becoming someone really important to her, in more ways than one."


"You're lying!" I was laughing so hard tears were falling from my eyes.

"Dead serious, E! He didn't realize his parents could hear us, and I've been mortified ever since. That's why I have my rule..."

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