Mission on the go

Start from the beginning

Y/n glanced at me as I gave her the signal. She looked at all the people surrounding her and said, "Well, guys I gotta go, ok?"

I heard Twice say, "What!? Thats not cool!"

Mr.Compress took her hand and said, "Come on, darling. I really do enjoy your company."

She said, "I'll be back tomorrow, ok? I kind of have to. I bet staples would miss me too much."

Dabi made a, "tch" sound.

She hopped up and said, "Ight, let's go, Chris."

Y/n went out the door and I walked behind her and did a wave to the villains. We were now outside and far away enough to talk.

I chuckled and said, "Really? 'BuDdy.'"

She rolled her eyes with a smirk, "Shut up! Called me FOREIGN and shit!"

I shrugged, "If we went with my idea in the first place and acted like lovers. It would be more believable."

Y/n folded her arms and said, "Nigga, please. That would be the LEAST believable."

"More believable."




I was gonna say, "Mo-" but she made the ground shake mildly and I actually ended up falling on the ground this time.

She said, "Also you're welcome."

I stood up and started rubbing my back, "For what?"

"For distracting those villians while you place your feathers."

I said, "Yeah, like I totally wouldn't be able to do that without you." I put my hands in my pockets as I smirked.

Y/n said, "You wouldn't be able to. So you are welcome, my dear."

I smiled. Her bothered face and comments is the reason why I could live. I must've been staring at her too long because I saw her hand waving in my face.

She said, "Ayo. I know I'm cute but come on now. We gotta go. Remember,  our interns?"

My eyes widened, "Oh, crap!"

I started to fly up, "SEE YA LATER, AVATAR!"

"Bye, bird." She walked away and for some reason, I watched as she strutted. I obviously just looked so I could make sure no villians saw us and catch her or something.

Yeah, that's why.


Damn, he always doing shit like that. I started to laugh at our childish conversation but soon stopped as I noticed that I was laughing at OUR conversation. I brushed it off as I made it home.

I took off the make up and and cleaned up a few spots.

~it feels good taking that stuff off.~

I put on my actual hero costume and walked to my company to meet my intern. Once I arrived, I opened my glass doors and greeted a few people. I spotted Amir and she started to walk up to me. She spoke, "Mrs. L/n! Glad you made it. Why did took you so long??"

I said, "Secret business."

Amir rose an eyebrow but left it alone. They continued to talk, "Um...your intern is in this room. She seems very promising as a hero."

I said, "We'll see."

I went into the room and I saw the pink smiley girl I saw on TV.

She turned to me and said, "Heyo! Names Mina! Well, you probably already know that because you picked me but nice to meet you in person!"

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