The Mirror's Secret

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Deciding it was just tiredness, I got in my car and headed for town. 


The house looked the same as yesterday which meant it still didn't feel like home. That would change soon enough though. 

Once inside, I pushed a button switch, illuminating the living room with an odd orange light. The rest of the house had the same effect. The water sputtered for a few seconds before pouring a brownish tinged liquid from the faucets. That cleared after several minutes, but to be safe, I let the water run for quite some time. 

With music blasting from a wireless speaker, my house cleaning began. Unlike the day before, there were no odd feelings or noises; or perhaps the music drowned it all away. Later, I realized that I didn't move close to the mirror or look in that direction. 

The hours slipped by and the ache of repetitive movements set in. The low battery warning sounded on the speaker, calling me back to earth. 

After a quick shower, a delectable meal of canned soup was devoured followed by a chilled alcoholic beverage; my little celebration.

The sleeping bag called my name and I obliged after turning off all of the lights. A creepy blackness filled the house, highlighted with a silvery beam of moonlight. 

Heavy eyelids lowered as my head rolled to the side. I shot up as a dark silhouette filled the top portion of the mirror. Without taking my eyes away and struggling to control my breathing, I got into a kneeling position. 

No part of the wall where the mirror hung should have been dark. The moonlight streamed across the living room, illuminating that wall. But the blackness was there. 

Clamping my eyes shut, I forced myself to count to ten. After opening my eyes, the mirror sparkled, free of any shadows. 

My body shivering, I laid back down and told myself it had been the alcohol. Nothing else.

Then why did I feel drawn to it yesterday? 

Sleep took over with that thought playing around in my head. 


A headache and sour stomach plagued my morning. But there was still a lot to finish. There was some deep cleaning that needed to be done before painting and refinishing all of the wooden floors and trim. 

After popping a few antacids, it was back to work. 

A few times throughout the day, the feeling from my first day would wash over me. But I was determined to get the cleaning done so that the decorating could begin. The sooner the place was ready for me to live in, the better. 

By the time I finished cleaning and was ready to start on the wood, there were still a few hours before dinner. My tools for the trim and flooring were piled in the living room. 

I didn't realize how close I had placed them to the mirror wall until I felt that pull. This time, I didn't fight it. Easing my way up to it, every muscle felt relaxed, as if a trance had been put over me. 

Everything in my peripheral vision faded away, like I was in a vignette photograph. Inches away from the glassy surface, my breathing deep and drawn, a strong urge to reach out came over me. 

The Mirror's SecretOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz